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posted by Sunflowers07
12 July 2019

my dad got disgnosed today

Last reply: 22 November 2019 23:30
Hi, just looking to chat to any people going through this at the moment. My dad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He is 73 and in good health apart from this. He had a biopsy in April. He is 7 on the Gleason scale. Apologies if Ive spelt that wrong. He has been given the option of radiotherapy and or surgery. He told me this morning if he had radiotherapy first, he cannot have the operation. Is this right ? For those who have gone though this, what were the side effects. Thankyou all for reading. Much appreciated.
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posted by Glenn1
02 January 2019


Last reply: 01 October 2019 15:17
Hi,I would like to chat about recovery after having prostrate surgery...anyone available?
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posted by mkmk15
02 May 2019


Last reply: 20 May 2019 16:22
hi there, my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and prescribed Decapeptyl. For his first injection, he was given Casodex for 10 days before the injection and for 10 days after it. We are now 2 months since the injection. From the beginning he has experienced pain and stiffness which im told is a common side effect. But 2 months in, the waves of pain & stiffness are increasing in their occurrence and painkillers are of no use. Thes pains could then disappear after 3 days and hes fine again until another bout. Has anyone experienced this? He has also started suffering from hot flushes. Has anyone come across a safe remedy which may relieve any of the symptoms? Thank you in advance for any help or advice
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posted by Romybriem
14 March 2019


Last reply: 18 May 2019 03:28
I'm finding it hard to cope with my husband's cancer. I'm depressed and feel isolated. Also feel guilty for not coping better
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posted by BohsMan
10 November 2015

Post Prostatectomy - Erectile Dysfunction

Last reply: 06 May 2019 23:58
I had my prostate removed coming up to 2 years ago, due to Prostate Cancer. Luckily the cancer was contained within the prostate and I got the all clear soon after, so feel that I am lucky from that respect. My consultant did say that they were able to spare one set of nerves, and was confident that I would regain erectile functionality. We tried various drugs and penile injections, with varying degrees of success and failure. I now use a pump and can get a very good erection with it. I am losing hope of ever being able to get a natural erection, after 2 years. Is there anyone else out there who is having similar experiences, or better results. There is very very little discussion about this aspect of Prostate Cancer. Granted i'm alive and well, had no chemotherapy or radiation treatment and as i said, count myself very lucky. Look forward to hearing from someone on this topic. Cheers
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posted by Glenn1
23 November 2018

Robotic Surgery

Last reply: 02 May 2019 17:45
Eleven days since my Robotic Prostrate Surgery...what do I expect ???
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posted by Glenn1
23 November 2018

Anyone feel free to chat!!

Last reply: 18 March 2019 13:06
I am surprised by the very little activity in this page re prostrate surgery.I was expecting a lot more conversation.
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posted by Deco180
01 May 2018

TURP Surgery

Last reply: 08 May 2018 12:55
I don’t have cancer, I hope, so forgive me for intruding on your support group. I had TURP surgery (removal of some prostate tissue) six days ago, because of an enlarged prostate which was causing me weak urine stream and frequency (every 20 mins) Now after the surgery, I still have frequency, even worse at times and weak stream though hard to tell, as I am holding back going full force due to the burning pain when I urinate. My Consultant seems rather dismissive of my concerns telling me that things will settle down within a few days to a few weeks and that sometimes the surgery just does not work. I am seriously anxious and I suppose am just looking for a little reassurance that what I am going through after the surgery is fairly normal and usually does resolve itself in time. So if anyone who has gone through this procedure can give me advice, it would be great Declan
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posted by jacksprat
26 March 2017

Return of Prostate Cancer

Last reply: 13 June 2017 08:19
I have not been on this site in a while..My husband had Prostate cancer back in 2011 , he then had a radical prostatectomy followed by 6 weeks of Radiotherapy.....followed by hormone treatment forward five years having not gone to the Doctor for regular PSA checks, he developed flu like symptoms in January 2017 and eventually returned to the Doctors office who had the good sense to do a PSA only to find it is at an all time high of 635, considering it was below .1 after all the treatment 5 yrs ago.....My message to all survivors out there ,,,please please continue to attend for regular tests, it's only a simple blood test to confirm PSA remains at a low level...hence our position has now totally escalated to a serious condition???Last week we travelled to Galway to meet with oncology team as the cancer is now advanced and present in pelvis,lung and possibly in bones....I am still reeling with this devastating news and the effect it is having on the whole family..We have a junior cert daughter and I work full time , We have spent the last two weeks on the road travelling to hospital appointments for consultation,scans and as now in hospital care for the past two weeks we are pretty much full time on the road....John(my hubby) is having difficulty breathing at the moment so once this is under control we shall have him home...He has just started a new therapy drug DEGARELIX/or Firmagon and also his much dreaded and always feared Chemo......I will share this journey with you as there are not many threads on the next phase... When and if the cancer returns and what the next treatments available are.... But most of all I want a lesson to be learnt from our story, this could have been detected earlier if John had of attended his GP who would have seen his PSA was increasing once again and we might not be in the place we are today...Happy Mothers Day to all the strong women..Mothers/wives , who in a lot of cases are the ones supporting and giving all the love and support to a sick family member to get them tru this tough time...
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posted by Pat Fitz
14 September 2015

After Brachytherapy

Last reply: 27 October 2015 11:22
A few weeks ago I had brachytherapy and I hope my cancer has been nipped in the bud. It was diagnosed very early (6 on the Gleason scale). The side effects are kicking in and am peeing nearly every hour during the day but in fairness i am only getting up once or twice at night.. Could this be down to all the water I am drinking . I am also drinking 5or 6 cups of decaffe tea and a couple of de caffe coffees.. Does the decaffe stuff irritate the bladder the same as regular tea/coffee. Would a couple of pints of Guiness in a week or two on the odd evening be bad news?
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