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posted by Jack
26 February 2012

Prostate cancer

Last reply: 29 February 2012 10:58
has anybody in Ireland received a 'vanishing cancer' diagnosis after having a radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer? Jack
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posted by Marathon Man
10 May 2012

MAC (Men Against Cancer) AGM - Sat 12th May 2012

The Annual Meeting of MAC will take place on Saturday 12 May 2012 in the Ashling Hotel, Parkgate Street Dublin 7 at 11 am. Speakers: Prof John Fitzpatrick, Head of Research, Irish Cancer Society “The management of prostate cancer in senior adults” Helen Forristal, Cancer Nurse Co-ordinator, St Vincent’s University Hospital “The prospects for men and their families with prostate cancer”
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posted by GavinDeady
23 September 2010

Research into the lived experience of prostate cancer

Hi everyone, My name is Gavin Deady. I am a doctoral researcher in the Department of Socciology at NUI Maynooth. My research explores the lived experience of prostate cancer, and how men use online help and support services. I am particularly interested into when and why men begin to use online support services. I am also interested to understand how men support each other online. How does online support differ from face to face support? I would be interested in hearing from any men interested in contributing to the study. You can contact me by email at Please feel free to give your impressions and opinions as you see fit. Everyone is guaranteed the highest level of confidentaility and anonymity, and I hope you will consider making a contribution. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to email me. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Regards, Gavin Deady
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posted by javito_21187
16 October 2008


Hello, My name is Javier Barba.I am a foreign student who studies Journalism and Visual media at Griffith College. For one of my lectures i have to do an edited video, I decided to make it about prostate cancer. I want to show people what prostate cancer is as well as how widely spread it is. So I need people who have suffered this illness in order to tell their story. It is going to be easy and it takes only a few hours. I really need someone. If you wanna participate please send me an email to I would like to have an answer as soon as possible, because next week I have to give my treatment. Kind regards, Javier Barba Fernández
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