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posted by Mikey1965
03 August 2021

Post radiation fatigue

Last reply: 04 August 2021 16:18
Hi there, I wondered if anyone else has felt bouts of fatigue post radiotherapy? I finished treatment in the middle of March and I’ve noticed I still get intermittent spells of fatigue.
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posted by gm
14 July 2021

Rectourethral fistula

Last reply: 16 July 2021 14:24
My father has a fistula, his surgeon will not operate as he is too weak from infections due to this fistula. Has anyone info on treating this further? It seems awful to be left hanging like this. I hear of other treatments, but I don't know where to ask? Is there any pioneering doctors who have helped you? Best, G
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posted by Baz
28 January 2021

Parent who has cancer

Last reply: 24 March 2021 01:04
Hi everyone, I am new to the site. It's nice to have a bit of extra support in these times. My Dad is starting his Prostate Cancer treatment next week for 2 months. I'm anxious and worried about the road ahead. I'm reaching out on here as I can't talk to him about how I'm feeling. I hope things will go really well for him. I love him with all my Heart and we lost my Mam 2 years ago and with the whole Covid thing it's extra challenging on everyone. Thank you for reading my post.
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posted by declanwalsh
24 January 2021

Prostrate Cancer

Has anyone tried prostostream ?
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posted by JD
02 November 2020

Looking for advice

Last reply: 03 November 2020 13:29
Hi I went for brachytherapy procedure last week and so far so good. However what is still troubling me is the almost constant leakage. Does this go away, is there something I should be doing or any advice would be most appreciated Thanking you
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posted by Rosaliemcfall
19 August 2020

PSA rise after 6 months on hormone treatment

Last reply: 25 August 2020 15:10
Hi, My 84 year old father was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer in January, which had spread to the pelvis and right femur. There was no biopsy so we have no Gleason score. His PSA was 31 and it dropped to 1.97 three months after his first hormone injection. But today he went for his second injection six months after starting treatment, and the PSA has risen to 4.9. We now have to wait for an oncology appointment and scans etc. We're worried sick. Has this happened to anyone else and what did that mean for you? Many thanks. Rosalie.
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posted by nomis
13 March 2020

Prostate cancer,treatment brackytherapy, is my immune system down regarding Ovid 19

Last reply: 16 March 2020 19:18
Covid19,prostate cancer,treatment brackytherapy, is my immune system dowm
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posted by bekyxo
29 February 2020

The hospital is taking over a year to diagnose my dad

Last reply: 10 March 2020 11:17
Hi all, Looking for some help or advise about my dad I'm so worried. He was in his gp doctors and hospital last year got bloods done and there was abnormalities in the PSA bloods he got done. He got called back to have more bloods done and the PSA was rising and then went for a physical examination and the doctor told him that it was 70% chance that its Prostate Cancer. He then told him that he would be screened for MRI and a Biopsy. Months and months no phone call or letter for an appointment that he was told would be soon. It's been over a year now and he has still not been seen for his Biopsy or MRI and I am so worried that hes going untreated this past year, he doesnt feel well(and he never says that unless he genuine feels unwell) and that the Tumour will be spreading. It makes me so angry and worried about it all as I love my Dad so much he is only 57 and I would like if he could be here with us for a long time but not sure will this happen. This is Waterford University Hospital that is doing this and forgetting about him somehow! Anyone that can help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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posted by Eilish
17 February 2020

My husband has metastatic prostate cancer

Last reply: 19 February 2020 23:06
hi My husband, in the past two weeks, has been told he needs open heart surgery to replace a valve in his heart and has also been told that he has metastatic cancer, originally in his prostate four years ago and now in his pelvic bone region. Both conditions have me seriously worried and concerned and we still don't know which will take precedence i.e. open heart surgery or chemotherapy. He is currently taking hormone tablets with a view to getting hormone injections starting within the next week or two. Anyway, I am scared and feeling very alone, as apart from my two sons in their early twenties I have only a handful of friends and no other family. Not sure what I am asking for but would like to know and feel that I am not alone. Thanks.
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posted by Zol
15 February 2020

Prostate Cancer

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in Nov 2014. I had a tumour T2B/Gleason score 9 Treatment: 4 months androgen treatment to shrink tumour 39 sessions of external beam radiation A further 14 months of androgen treatment. Result as at Feb 2020: -bloods all clear..........testerone back to normal & PSA low -recovered some of my muscle tone -penis & testicles back to about 75% of original size -anejaculation still (but this does not bother me) All in all, I'm very happy with the results and I feel very lucky that I do not have any nasty side effects such as incontinance etc. Cheers to all Zol
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