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posted by srt
01 May 2009

malignant melanoma

Last reply: 16 May 2009 20:11
hi guys just wondering if there is anyone to talk to about melanoma's. i just had one removed from my cheek 3 weeks ago today. it was a clark v 5.5mm deep. it was a lump under the skin that appeared last year but because i was pregnant (i lost) i had to delay getting it removed. when i did get it removed in december results didnt show melanoma but it needed to be removed further. at this stage it was february and i was pregnant again( i lost again sadly). it had started to grow back also. i was to get it removed further at the end of april but i miscarried in march so first week in april i got a cancelation to get it removed. it came back malignant a week later and i was in surgery the following morning which was good friday. i had a pet and ct scan done and they are clear and they have decided to treat me with interferon. i am so scared it will come back to the same place or somewhere else and i dont spot it in time.
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posted by marymc
19 May 2009

breast reconstruction surgery

Last reply: 24 October 2009 20:30
Hi I'm scheduled for Lattismus Dorsai Flap reconstruction soon and wonder if there's anyone out there who has had this and what their experience was? I had a left masectomy in Sept 2007 following by chemo and Herceptin. Have made a great recovery - so be positive anyone that's newly diagnosed there's light at the end of the tunnell! Definitely up for having the surgery now - it'll be nice to have hair AND two boobs again, but would just like some feedback from ordinary women who have been thru it?
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posted by Aoibheann
03 June 2009

Extensive small cell lung cancer

Last reply: 15 June 2009 12:42
My Dad has extensive small cell lung cancer, liver and spots in his bone and brain. He has undergone chemo and never recovered from it to be honest. He is very fatigued. He started some pallitive radiotherapy yesterday for five sessions to hopefully reduce the new tumour blocking his airway. I suppose I would like to hear from anyone in a similar situation. We lost our Mom 7 yrs ago to lung cancer and its unbelievably hard and unfair to be here again... Has anyway gone through this twice? How do you get through it? (for some reason I am finding this week very hard, we had a meeting yesterday with the consultant who looked after my Mom and it really knocked me back to 7 yrs ago)I really want tips for myself and my brothers and sisters cos Dad deserves the best from us. Any advice, support or suggestions would be great.. Sorry for moaning
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posted by Evelyn
06 June 2009

I am so afraid

Last reply: 27 June 2010 19:07
Hi everyone I found a swelling in my left breast around Christams but as I was going into hospital of an operation on a shoulder problem I ignored the swelling. I went to my GP Tuesday week and she was concerned, I saw the specialist yesterday. He said the lump (not swelling) is 5 cm and thinks it has been there a while. I have to go for mammogram, ultrasound and core biopsy on Tuesday and I did not ask if I would get any results even then. I have no pain in the breast the lump is on the top and I do have a little discomfort towards my armpit. I know I just have to wait for the outcome but I cannot help crying. I am 48 year old divorcee with 2 children a 21 year old girl and an 18 year old boy (sitting his leaving cert) I have told noone. I dont even know what I want from you girls at the moment, just any thing you can tell me about procedures and waiting time for results. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and good luck to you all. Evelyn
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posted by patricia s
12 June 2009

My wonderful husband Patrick Strogen

Last reply: 14 June 2009 18:34
My husband of 16yrs passed away on May 1st. He was diagnosed last June with stomach cancer, he was only 39. He was amazing. He never let the cancer or the treatment get him down. Within weeks of starting his chemo he was back on his feet. In March this year he started getting headaches and spent a few weeks in hospital with suspected meningitus. Later that month we got the brilliant news that his cancer had gone into remission. However his symptons never improved and the headaches got worse. He was transferred to Galway hospital easter thursday and the following wednesday we were told that the cancer had spread to the lining of his skull. He fell into a coma 11 days later and passed away 4 days after. I am so proud of him, and i miss him more each day. He has left behind a 15yr old daughter and an extended family whose lives will always have a huge whole in it. Everyone who knew him said how brave he was and the huge turnout at his funeral proved that. I have been honoured to be his wife and friend.
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posted by SLR
25 June 2009

Dip in the Nip

Last reply: 26 June 2009 16:39
From someone who has come through mastectomy, chemo and reconstruction in the last 10 months, I'd just like to say thank you very much to all the women who took part in the Dip in the Nip last weekend. You've raised much needed funds and increased awareness of the services provided by Action Breast Cancer. If it happens again next year I might even be brave enough myself to bare all!
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posted by amum
15 July 2009

I miss my darling friend

Last reply: 19 July 2009 17:16
Don't know why I am posting this here and I will probably delete it before morning but I just need to verbalise it. I miss her so much. She died in February and not a day goes by when I dont think of her and regret not telling her how much she meant to me.Sometimes I think I will wake up and it will have been a bad dream.I suppose everyone that has lost someone feels that way. I see her family dealing with her death and wonder why I can't talk about her without being in tears. I am so sad tonight and wish so badly that she was here so I could give her a quick buzz or a text. Her childrens lives are changing again next month and that makes me sad for them.They should have their beautiful Mum with them.How do those children deal with the loneliness of not having her there when I find it hard? :cry: :cry: :cry: Love and Miss you
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posted by Ciara1980
16 July 2009

My Dad Has just been diagnosed

Last reply: 17 July 2009 15:58
Hi, My Dad ahs just been diagnosed with prostate Cancer and they say that it is moderate as they did not catch it early. He has been for an MRI (which he hates as he is very clostraphobic) and thus showed some "hotspots" on his liver -he then had a CT scan that showed lesions on his liver. My Dad is not talking about it and me and my sisters are worried about what this means? Does this mean that he also has cancer in his liver? Ciara
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posted by G- Sheahan
09 October 2009

Nipple reconstruction

Last reply: 20 October 2009 10:58
Hi guys! I was 26 when I was diagnosed with bc. Treatment including chemo and radiation followed. Managed fine, was very strong mentally through it. I was advised to get genetic testing done as we have a long familly history. Dianosed with brac1 and decided on bilateral mast with immidiate reconstruction(using lit dors musel). Unfor I'm not very happy with results as the scarring is awful front and back. Breasts look completely diff as the shape of scars dont match(behind cloths they look symetrical).Just got date for nipple reconstruction and I'm very nervous for some reason!! Anyone out there that has gone through this? Do the nippels make the breasts look better and more normal? Thanks greta
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posted by molldoll84
13 October 2009

Dad going into hospital tomorrow

Last reply: 21 October 2009 21:43
Hi everyone, I'm new to this. My Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer 2 weeks ago. Its a substancial tumour at 5cm we were told, but we got a phone call last week saying that they could operate on it. It was the best news we were hoping for. So now he's being admitted tomorrow and they will operate on Thurs. We haven't spoken to the surgeon yet so don't know exactly what it will entail. Have read up about it online here, but was wondering if anyone knew first hand how he will feel after, and what loosely lies ahead for him . He's a young man of 63years, has recently in the last couple of months given up smoking doesn't drink and would be an active man, walks every day and eats well so he is doing everything right. And also if anyone has any ideas of what I can do for him, we are extremly close so want do everything i possibly can. Be great to get some feed back and also hear from people who are going through or gone through it. Oh and keep smiling :)
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