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posted by spudburf
24 July 2014

Reaction to both Tamoxifen/Femara - what's the next option?

Last reply: 25 July 2014 00:09
Hi all, Has anyone else had a reaction to both Tamoxifen and Femara? I seem to be extremely sensitive to both and now I'm waiting to hear what's my 3rd option. Just wondering if anyone has had any similar problems. Thanks
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posted by Neidi
10 August 2014

Breast Pain

Last reply: 12 August 2014 21:36
Evening ladies, hope all is well with you all. Just a quick question- am having my third A/C on Tuesday and finding it quite tough but what Im noticing is that my beast I had the lumpectomy on is quiet painful at times. Darting pains Just wondering if any of you had experienced that or should I say something on Tuesday to the nurses? Thanks x
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posted by Thunderbolt
21 August 2014

Tug /pap reconstruction

Last reply: 23 August 2014 14:49
Hi, I am hoping to have either Tug flap( upper inner thigh) or pap flap(upper back of thigh) reconstruction in November. I know the pap flap is very rare but I think the recovery would be similar to the Tug. Just wondering if anyone could give me any indication as to what to expect with this operation, recovery etc. I decided against my other option which was lat Dorsi with implant as I had a failed implant surgery already and didn't want the risk of implant complications again. Not enough tissue on my stomach so only option if I didn't want the implant was the thigh. Thanks Thunderbolt
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posted by spudburf
06 September 2014

Bone pain

Last reply: 18 September 2014 21:06
Hi, has anyone had awful bone pain after finishing chemo?? I was put on tamoxafin and femara and had to stop both as tamoxafin gave me a body rash and femara was unbearable due to joint pain. I now have been prescribed Aromasin but am holding off on taking it as my joints still ache a lot. Has anyone else had similar experiences? I would really appreciate some advice. Thanks
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posted by TrishaXx95
09 September 2014

cervical cancer

Last reply: 19 September 2014 11:29
Sorry everyone im absolutely terrified and im looking for advice and i don't feel anyone is taking me seriously including my doctor. For the last two years ive not been able to sit comfortably on my bottom due to the pain in my tail bone, had a colonoscopy every ting came back normal, i then started suffering with frequent urination in September 2013 and has been on going since then. No infection, not pregnant as ive had the implanon inserted in january 2014. Had a high vaginal swab and no sti or infections. Alot of discharge daily, changes from clear to thick plus im nineteen years old. Sexually active with one partner. I get frequent pain inside of my vagina with spotting only when i wipe its clear red fluid not so much a period and it comes on and off. When im sexually active my vagina hurts before and sometimes bleed after but not sure if its down to partner being rough, sorry about too much detail buy im really frightened. There's cancer on my mothers side as my grandparents died of throat cancer and bone cancer.. The pain in my vagina and tight feeling in lower abdomen comes and goes aswell as massive migranes that make me physically get sick and these come once in a while, i dont smoke or drink and i walk everywhere. Can anyone please help me or give me advice. I'm waiting on appointment from an orthapedic and scans and stuff from urologists but in the mean time im suffering terribly please can anyone help with advice. I want to make an appointment tomorrow with my doctor but as im only 19 im afraid he wont let me have a smear test as i have mentioned it before. I feel like he doesn't take me serious and looms at mr as if im making it up. Any help i would appreciate i have nobody to tall to about this only my boyfriend
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posted by Avril
11 September 2014

Breast Cancer Stage 4

Last reply: 13 September 2014 09:10
I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. Had chemotherapy, lumpectomy, mastectomy and radiotherapy. In May I discovered it had spread to my pelvis and spine. Had a tumor removed from my spine followed by radiotherapy. Am now on chemotherapy[Taxol] weekly. One week off per month. Feel very anxious as wonder if chemotherapy is working as originally I had only a partial response to chemotherapy. Find it hard to live each day day by day. Would love to hear from anyone in a similar position.
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posted by Bizzybee
21 September 2014

reconstruction advice

Last reply: 17 October 2014 15:37
Hi all I havent posted anything in a while - im a year post chemo and mastectomy and life is good at the moment. Now Im starting to think about reconstruction - i do want it done but really dont want to go back to sick mode again and recovery. I am thinking the LD flap is the best option for me as i have had radiotherapy and am afraid the implant wont work. Does anybody who has had this done have any advise. The thing that is putting me off is that its not just one procedure I will have to go back later for a reduction on the other side. So what im wondering is will i be going around for a while with two misshaped boobs - do they give you fillets or whatever to wear in your bra so you look normal. Also has anybody had an implant after radiotherapy and was it successful. Thanks everybody bizzybee
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posted by puddleduck
24 September 2014

Night sweats

Last reply: 07 October 2014 10:41
Hi all, I am posting a question here more to put my mind at ease than to looking for an answer. My husband is 2.5 years in remission (praise God) from stage 3 high grade, B cell, mediastinum Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma with complications of a tracheoesophageal fistula. He's doing amazing and is back to himself. He struggled with chronic fatigue & still has his off days but is doing great. One thing that I wanted to ask if anyone has encountered is night sweats..well more like night clamminess post treatment? He's always been a warm bodied man, even prior to diagnosis, and gets clammy at night. He insists on wrapping himself up like a caterpillar at night. As soon as he removes the sheet for a few seconds get cools right down & stops sweating. This occurs maybe once or twice a month, not every night. He did have drenching night sweats just prior to diagnosis & during treatment that would wake him & sheets would need changing. This is def not to that extent & isn't a new symptom, but has me panicked as I'm the one noticing it not him. I needless to say don't want to worry him over something silly, but not sure should I make him get it checked out? His next Oncology check up & scan is November time. Any advice welcome I guess I'm the worrier as I had to watch him go through his treatment & felt "what if I'd noticed a symptom sooner". X
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posted by tealeaves
18 September 2014

Facebook group for younger women with a BC diagnosis

Last reply: 09 October 2014 15:22
Hello to any younger women with a breast cancer diagnosis: In case you haven't heard of this, I just wanted to let you know of a Facebook group where I have found a lot of support. It's called 'Younger Breast Cancer Network (UK) Secret Group' or YBCN. It's well run/moderated etc and seems to be gaining a lot of recognition in the UK. Though it's a UK-based, secret group (so you have to message them to join) it's also open to women in Ireland. In fact they have recently set up regional sub-groups, including one for Ireland. Hope this info is of help. Maybe see you there. Ciara x
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posted by Sarah2787
04 January 2015


Last reply: 08 February 2015 21:06
Hey, I'm Sarah, I'm 27 and I was recently diagnosed with stage 4b cervical cancer that has spread to my bones. I'm just wondering is there anyone on here with cervical Cancer or that has had it in the past?... Just looking for people to talk to that are in the same position. I'm not great at navigating around the site haha! Any body with advice or stories to tell about their situation I would be so grateful. Thank you xx
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