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posted by wobbles
22 June 2021


Last reply: 12 July 2021 22:55
Hi, I'm looking for some advice or tips regarding taking tamoxifen. I got my 1st prescription today and am quite anxious about taking it due to possible side effects. I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in March needing 2 mastectomies but no radiation or chemotherapy. Any advice or tips greatly appreciated
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posted by Aoifeo
05 July 2021

What's the waiting time from referral to gynecologist

Last reply: 06 July 2021 17:13
Hi I was just wondering how long people waited from the doctors referral to see the gynecologist and to get the scans done. I went for my smear and the doctor was worried and ended up doing and internal and felt something. She sent me for bloods and a scan. The marker was slightly raised over the normal number. I am waiting 3months now for a scan and a gynecologist appointment. It might be nothing but waiting so long is really stressing me out. Can anyone give me an idea on how much longer I could be waiting?
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posted by brokensis
24 June 2021


Last reply: 04 July 2021 22:54
Just got news this evening that my younger brother has less than a month He was only diagnosed two weeks ago So we have had no time to process How do I support him when all I want to do is curl up and not face it
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posted by cloggie64
27 April 2021

Anticipatory grief

Last reply: 03 July 2021 19:22
Hi, I am new to the group and hope to find out how you are all dealing with the highs/lows and the uncertainty that comes with caring for someone with a terminal cancer diagnosis. My husband, 48 years old, was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer on the day of our first lockdown (12th of March 2020). He had to start chemo immediately, which showed good results initially, but stopped working back in January. He is now on a different, weekly, chemo course. Throughout this difficult year, he has been through so much with side effects, adverse reactions to some medications, pain, mood swings, etc. Seeing him go through all this, is so hard and I feel utterly powerless at times. I am lucky to have good friends and family around me and their support is amazing, but I still feel completely alone at times. Not sure if that makes sense. I had a GP consult today as I am feeling exhausted all the time and he mentioned that I could be going through anticipatory grief. He suggested talking to a counselor, which I have tried before, but I do not seem to be able to connect with this counselor. Its also hard to talk on the phone to someone you never seen in person. Is there anyone on this forum going through these same feelings? How are you coping with it? I would love to hear from you.
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posted by Joanbreda
25 June 2021

Abnormal Cells Breast Biopsy

Last reply: 28 June 2021 15:17
Hi I got an Ultrasound and mammogram last July due to lump on breast,mammogram showed up calcificifications on opposite breast the left one.Was called back for stereotactic biopsy,results were not cancer thank god but was told I would have another mammogram in 12 months. Had an general appointment with consultant Tuesday and he said results of biopsy last year were not cancer but they were not normal, so will be having yearly mammograms,I started to get a bit worried and told him he said it may increase chance of getting breast cancer down the line and also with family history too,I am 47 and feel a little worried still what does abnormal cells mean ?
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posted by lovelife
23 June 2021

post breast cancer

Last reply: 24 June 2021 16:55
finished radiotherapy 6wks ago still having discharge from nipple, and have thickening of the skin, dimpling and quite a lot of breast pain also the breast now seems larger than it was, is this usual after radiotherapy
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posted by FAPHusband
28 February 2017

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Last reply: 23 June 2021 14:01
Hi I'm new to the forum. My husband was diagnosed with FAP over 13 years ago and had an immediate preventative subtotal colonectomy with IRA. Wondering has anyone out there also been diagnosed with this very rare genetic condition and if so, if they'd like to share?
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posted by Paris2021
08 June 2021

Gastric mass

Last reply: 22 June 2021 15:54
Hi my husband is waiting to get a biopsy on a 3cm mass attached to his stomach wall he has had ct and mri and barium swallow they are confused but said it is an oval solid with some dark thick fluid the tests also state that the mass is heterogeneous in appearance and returns an intermediate signal on T2 W I am really confused with these results cam someone shed a bit of light on them? Really appreciate it xxx
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posted by Carlos_PG
21 June 2021

Testicular cancer

Last reply: 22 June 2021 14:57
Hi there! My name is Carlos Pedrosa García, I am 25 years old and I just find a lump in one of my testicles. I am a bit scare because it hurts when I touch it. I am from Spain and I current live in Dublin for almost 4 years. I am not really sure how to process that and I don’t know where should go to test it. I have insurance with Irish life health I hope that helps. Would like to have an advice in this situation and see what should I do first. Thank you very much. Kind regards, Carlos.
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posted by tilly21
11 June 2021

Lung cancer

Last reply: 21 June 2021 11:12
Adenocarcinoma with mpe stage 4 and he only went to hospital because he was having trouble breathing and 4 days later thats what hit us in the face, like being hit with a frying pan. My lovely husband, who is relatively fit, non smoker since 2002, has been told that at most 12-14 months is his life expectancy and he is only 63. I am in total shock and stupidly I dont know how to feel im just numb. I insisted our children needed to know so that they can make plans and he is glad I insisted. Oncologist was a very nice professional man who showed us exactly where the cancer was but I dont understand as it is limited to the right lung with no metastized disease elsewhere in the body. I cannot get my head around it and my poor husband after 2 or 3 days has started his plans for when he us no longer with us. I thought it would be me going first
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