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posted by tara c
20 January 2021

Nipple tattooing

Last reply: 05 February 2021 05:37
Hi all, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer two years ago at the age of 21. I had the standard treatment including mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with an implant. I have been considering getting a nipple/ areola tattoo and I found a tattooist called Aisling mahon in Kildare. I was wondering has anyone else opted to get a nipple tattoo and if so, were they satisfied with the result? Thank you, Tara.
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posted by E.c.vn87
21 October 2016

Kidney cancer

Last reply: 04 February 2021 19:38
I've been diagnosed with stage 2 renal cell carcinoma. I'm 29. Has anyone been through this? I'm told odds are very good but it's still terrifying. I am waiting for a date for a nephrectomy
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posted by Iamstrong
30 January 2021

Post mastectomy and chemo

Last reply: 04 February 2021 14:00
Hello all, so I had 2 small tumors and pre cancer cells. Tumors were 8mm and around 1cm. My lymph nodes were clear. I had my mastectomy in Oct 2020 and just finishing up chemo soon (4 rounds of TC). No radiation as margins were clear etc. Lately I've been feeling my mastectomy scar if that makes sense and I have shoulder and arm pain. Not severe but it's there. I've been assured my cancer is gone but my mind is not in a positive zone and so I'm imagining all sorts. What have other peoples experiences been post mastectomy and chemo? Am I nuts or should I worry? Thank you
1 comment
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posted by Amaru124
23 January 2021

Concerns about my tongue

Last reply: 25 January 2021 17:04
Hi guys, please can I get I feedback about wheter I have a small or a big problem, concerned about some odd changes in the top left side of my tongue, lumps and indentations
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posted by carac
03 October 2020

How to know when your react to go back to ok

Last reply: 24 January 2021 15:55
Hi I had triple positive breast cancer so gone through surgery (March), 12 sessions chemo, 4 weeks radiotherapy and ongoing herceptin and tamoxifen. Still having loads of fatigue, joint pain etc Just thinking about future and want anyone experience about when I could consider going back to work. It’s difficult in COVID times to get a real sense of how long this will take - just frustrated to get back to ordinary life again Any advice??
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posted by Babyboo
23 January 2021

Food query

Last reply: 06 April 2024 11:03
Hi there, trying not to read too much about diet as so much conflicting advice out there. Can you eat a takeaway when having chemo? And I’m reading conflicting advice on raw vs cooked nuts? Thanks
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posted by sunflower
16 August 2012

Teeth falling apart

Last reply: 24 January 2021 15:35
Over the last few months my teeth have been falling apart. Has this happened anyone else? I had 6 months of chemo and 33 sessions of RT. Finished this last year. It has been a bit of a shock as I look after them!! Sunflower
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posted by declanwalsh
24 January 2021

Prostrate Cancer

Has anyone tried prostostream ?
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posted by lorrainemay79
12 January 2021

Breast cancer

Last reply: 21 January 2021 21:18
Hi, I am 41 and have diagnose with oestrogen positive breast cancer. I have been prescribed tomaxifen and Zoladex. Has anyone had the same treatment? Also when is the best time to take tamoxifen?
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posted by rubyfluff2020
16 November 2020

Lump in breast 3-6 month wait

Last reply: 21 January 2021 08:05
Hi,I found a lump 4 weeks ago. Its movable but hard pea size. Go thinks could be a cyst and sent referral. The hospital has 6 month wait as she didn't deem it as urgent. The nurse also told me not to keep checking it. She send to another hospital last week after I called her and its 3 month wait for mammogram. So hard to know should I just wait or go private for mammogram. Its hard not to think about it. Do gps know when a lump is cancer by feel of them? Thanks in advance
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