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posted by kymryan
02 August 2020

Breast cancer scare

Last reply: 04 August 2020 01:02
Hi so for a while I have noticed a lump near my nipple but I thought nothing of it because I’m only 16 and have really bad acne and I just assumed it could have been a spot and I’m really scared to asl my mam to book an appointment with a doctor and I just don’t know what to do can someone please help me and give me advice
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posted by Catherine Kiely
30 July 2020


Last reply: 31 July 2020 07:25
I had my first cycle of Taxol on Wednesday last week. Had 4 cycles of AC previous to that. Tough days were had. I'd read that taxol is a walk in the park after AC. Not for me. Suffered horrendous bone and joint pain along with pelvic pain from 2pm two days after taxol. I had to contact Oncology ward to seek advice Re pain management. Upped oxynorm every 2 to 4 hours, it barely touched the surface of the pain. Sleeping tablets were the only way I could get sleep. Meeting with a Registrar tomorrow to discuss my options, lower dose, weekly dose instead of 2 weekly. I just know I could never face that pain again. Saves to say don't believe everything you read as we are all different. I can't help but think I've had 4Ac, 1 taxol, do I really need to put my body through more of this, as it's an insurance kind of treatment to make sure the cancer is wiped out. I know I'm wiped out. Let's see what tomorrow's discussion brings to the table.
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posted by Stephanie
24 July 2020

WLE at side of knee

Last reply: 29 July 2020 15:28
Hi, I recently had a WLE at the side of my knee after a malignant melanoma. One week later I am trying not to do too much on it. Would love some advice from someone else
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posted by kerrie
25 July 2020


Last reply: 29 July 2020 15:19
Hi so I felt discomfort underneath my armpit about 4 weeks ago while shaving in the shower I left it thinking maybe a swollen gland then a few days ago I felt it again 1 evening while watching tv so I felt around and near the edge of my armpit there was a lump I kept feeling and then felt a lump on my breast all on the left side yesterday morning when I woke the top of my arm felt dead or heavy I called go and went in for a check up he also could feel both he said there is a lot of pain and discomfort there and inflammation there is family history of breast cancer my nanny died from breast cancer at 46 and some of her daughters have had lumps removed not sure if they were cancerous though but I’m only turning 30 in 3 weeks time I have 4 kids 1 who is autistic adhd and odd his twin has intellectual disabilities and the youngest is possibly adhd although not diagnosed yet I’m very worried because of this my gp has reffered me to breast clinic said I will be seen within 6 weeks he prescribed inflammatory tablets and gave me difene for pain should I be worried or could it be nothing
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posted by suzemma
25 July 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 29 July 2020 15:17
Hi I went for a mammogram over two weeks ago with breast check.I was told results would be posted to me. I got a call yesterday asking me to see doctor on Monday. Secretary said they were doing it in reverse due to covid. She said I'm not booked in for any tests but I'm terrified and I wondered if anyone else is in the same boat. Thanks in advance.
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posted by Mrsmoleary
25 July 2020

Scared of dilator

Last reply: 29 July 2020 15:15
Hi all, I just found this forum and wish I had found it several months ago. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer on 26th February 2020, had a radical hysterectomy on 31st March and then 23 sessions of radiotherapy finishing on the 19th June. It's been just over a month since my last radiotherapy but I still cant bring myself to use the dilator to prevent the scar tissue. Honestly I dont know why. I am 36 years old and do wish to continue having a normal sex life but just cant mentally bring myself to follow the advice. I suppose I've just found it difficult to access supports during the pandemic and although technology is great, I do find it very difficult to say anything other than I'm fine in these zoom calls or whatever technology is being used. I also wonder how everyone is feeling about returning to work. Financially I'm very lucky in that I'm under no pressure to return any time soon, however it has been mentioned to me on several occasions by medical professionals about when I plan on returning. Honestly, I dont feel up to returning to work just yet, I usually work 60/70 hour weeks and know myself I wouldn't be able to keep up with my colleagues right now. Thanking you in advance for taking the time to read and any advice you can offer.
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posted by DebbieMccarthy
20 July 2020

DIEP breast reconstruction

Last reply: 24 July 2020 14:50
Hi I wonder if anyone can help me. Is there a minimum BMI you have to be to be able to have a DIEP breast reconstruction?
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posted by Elaine H
07 February 2020

Mole biopsy wait time

Last reply: 24 July 2020 09:57
Hi everyone, I had a mole excision on 28th of January. My consultant was concerned it could be melanoma. She said 10-14 days for biopsy results. Currently 11 days. My friend tells me I'm silly to worry as I would have heard by now if it was bad news. Just wondering if anyone had any experiences with wait times and if cancer diagnosis meant expedited results? Many thanks, Elaine
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posted by mac77
07 April 2020


Last reply: 24 July 2020 09:53
just found out a mole i had removed is cancerous, feeling very anxious. I keep telling myself "cop on ull b grand".
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posted by catriona
19 July 2020

Continuous Nausea

Last reply: 23 July 2020 12:27
Hello. My Dad has just completed his second round of chemo(folfox). He experienced continuous nausea with vomiting after his first treatment. He ended up in hospital and was put on a pump to administer anti-nausea meds. He had his 2nd treatment on Thursday (they adapted his infusion in the hope he wouldn't be as sick) and while he is nowhere near as bad as he was the last time he still is feeling continously nauseous. He was vomiting on Friday but that has stopped now. I suppose I'm just looking for advice on any tips any of you might have on how to combat nausea. He's tried Valoid, Maxolon and Zofron but they don't seem to do anything to alleviate the symptoms. Thanks.
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