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posted by Poly
12 February 2020

Triple negative

Last reply: 16 February 2020 16:32
My sister has just been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. We are all devastated and anything I read on-line is frightening. Does anyone have positive story? Thanks
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posted by mylaur10
15 February 2020

Hats/Head Wear

Last reply: 16 February 2020 10:04
Just wondering if anyone could advise best places to order hats/head wear from in Ireland. Thanks 🥰🥰
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posted by Zol
15 February 2020

Prostate Cancer

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in Nov 2014. I had a tumour T2B/Gleason score 9 Treatment: 4 months androgen treatment to shrink tumour 39 sessions of external beam radiation A further 14 months of androgen treatment. Result as at Feb 2020: -bloods all clear..........testerone back to normal & PSA low -recovered some of my muscle tone -penis & testicles back to about 75% of original size -anejaculation still (but this does not bother me) All in all, I'm very happy with the results and I feel very lucky that I do not have any nasty side effects such as incontinance etc. Cheers to all Zol
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posted by Dollycilla
15 February 2020

Megaloblastic anemia

Hi, recently diagnosed as having Megaloblastic anemia and paraprotein in my blood igM it's 22g/L awaiting bone marrow biospy and ct tap, have had some nose bleeds, bone pain, fatigue, lymph node swelling neck area, anyone with same symptoms
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posted by ptfahey
02 September 2017

Lynch Syndrome

Last reply: 15 February 2020 11:14
What is Lynch Syndrome? (Thanks to Sir John Burn Lynch Syndrome UK Conference 2015) We all inherit our DNA 50% from each parent. If we have LS then one of our repair genes is good while the other one is faulty. Think of the repair genes as two Doormen on the door at a night club. Nothing is going to get past them that shouldn’t. This is a person without LS Imagine one of the Doormen needs the toilet and walks off. We still have one doorman watching and keeping us safe. This is a person with LS Imagine the other doorman now needs to toilet and leaves. Nobody is now watching door. This is what happens when one good gene goes faulty for what ever reason. Anybody can just walk in now In brief, we only have one repair gene looking out for us and if it gets damaged in a cell we are left with no protection. See Lynch Syndrome Ireland Web Site + Facebook Page + Twitter
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posted by Tara358
05 February 2020

Annual Mammogram

Last reply: 13 February 2020 22:07
Hi everyone, I am a 10 year Breast Cancer Survivor. I was diagnosed at 35 but made it through the journey and I am now healthy and happy. I have a query and I hope someone can help me. I don't have to attend a Doctor since my 5 year all clear, when I was attending my Breast Surgeon he would always book my mammogram for the following year. But now that I don't see him, every year I am waiting to be called for my mammogram and I am not called - I have to ring the secretary to get my Dr to book it and then I have to contact the mammogram department to make sure it is booked. I thought I would be called automatically each year. Can anyone tell me what I need to do about getting annual appointment without having to contact the office each year and go through all the departments. Thanks in advance
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posted by anniembb
04 February 2020

Breast lump?

Last reply: 10 February 2020 15:20
Hi, has anyone had a lump that's above the breast almost on the chest but directly across from armpit if you get me? Thanks
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posted by ephemere
17 June 2011


Last reply: 07 February 2020 13:22
Girls, Wondering if there's anyone out there who is/was in the same boat as me? Am being advised by oncologist that my chances of fertility being there are negligible after chemo (unknown regime yet), and also with the liklihood i'll be on tamoxifen 5 yrs, and also not to have eggs harvested because of the oestrogen boost needed to do that which could feed the cancer- all largely of course because of my age, 44 (45 in january). I do know the facts of life, so no lectures about menopause and age please however the facts of MY life are mine- (we had tried, had had miscarriage, and were open to trying again until cancer struck); I'd appreciate any reply from anyone roundabout this age going through a similar issue. Going to talk to Rotunda anyway next week, though to be honest I'm not sure I have the energy;it feels hard to have to fight a different battle in a different sub-discipline in a new hospital system when I'm dealing with cancer anyway. Hmph... x
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posted by anniembb
28 January 2020

Core Biopsy Cost

Last reply: 06 February 2020 15:45
Hi, would anyone know how much a core biopsy would be in Bon Secours in Cork or any other private hospital? Just worrying about work & money. Thanks
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posted by dotgos
14 January 2020

Taxol query

Last reply: 23 January 2020 01:22
Hello all, I met with consultant today to get my plan , I had originally thought I was going on AC first and then taxol, but am now going on taxol weekly for12 weeks with herceptin infusions every 3 weeks and then herceptin injections. Could anyone please give me any advice regarding the weekly taxol , and how doable it is. Thanks very much and good luck to all of you going through treatment.
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