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posted by lyric
31 May 2011


Last reply: 18 June 2011 08:54
I've just had my last chemo (yesterday) . I'm meeting with the medical oncologist next week to discuss going on Tamoxifen. Are they're any questions I should be asking?
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posted by janeymac
04 June 2011

And so it goes on...

Last reply: 28 June 2011 13:33
It was a year yesterday since my breast cancer diagnosis. In that time, I've had a mastectomy, attended my daughter's graduation in Edinburgh, moved house, started building another house, my husband had a heart attack, another daughter got engaged (& is planning to get married in oct- hope we're back in the house!), had scans, chemo, r/t, lost hair (but not hope), check ups, annual mammogram... followed by a call back for magnification, followed by the news that there is suspected dcis in other breast. Biopsy coming up on wed, results a week later. Looks like this year is just going to keep on going on...
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posted by ephemere
16 June 2011

axillary clearance and arm mobility ?

Last reply: 29 July 2011 11:51
Hi gals, just looking for some advice;maybe i'm fussing- but still; I had an axillary clearance 4 weeks ago on one side, and though I've been doing my physio exercises religiously, I still can't raise my arm above shoulder height. I mean when when i stretch it out at right angles as if i'm on a cross, I can't raise it any further. (I can raise it above my head when i clasp my hands in front of me). The pain only diminished in the last few days though there's still a lot of tenderness, tightness, funny nerves and numbness (but i think that's normal). I had a lumpectomy 8 weeks ago and had brilliant arm mobility within two weeks. Any idea if I should be concerned about this lack of mobility four weeks on ? I normally have good stretchiness! x to all
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posted by encee
16 June 2011

Chemo brain queries

Last reply: 18 June 2011 09:07
When I was reading side-effects of chemotherapy, one I read with bemusement was "chemo-brain", thinking to myself I'm like that at the best of times without chemotheraphy The smile is on the other side of my face today I can tell you. I feel as if I have had half my brain removed; my concentration levels are so bad that this morning I was driving and hit a kerb & burst my tyre. Then I was walking down town after doing the job on my wheel when I felt like I was going lobsided and had to sit down for a minute. My bones feel like as if weights have been strapped to my legs and I feel like as if I have ear-muffs on, because everything sounds so woolly. Worst of all, I have absolutely no energy.... it's like all picture and no sound with me. I got AC chemotherapy on Wednesday 8th June; I got a cold at the beginning of this week which had me in such bad form, (and to be fair to myself, I'm not a grumpy person), so maybe some of the symptoms are associated with that but would love to hear what ye think guys. I have one more AC to go next week before I start on 12 x Taxol so maybe this is just going to be the week where Elvis left the building or is it going to stay like this until chemotherapy finished? As for how long it took me to write this e-mail..... laughable!!!
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posted by ephemere
20 June 2011

The Cold Cap- so did it work for you?

Last reply: 07 July 2011 22:56
I remember some discussion about this on this message board when I started out in cancer-world, but am not sure where the info is; also seem to remember opinions were inconclusive. So, does anyone know if it does work/really stops your hair falling out on chemo. I remember it seemed to eb a long time you had to stay with the cap on after chemo. Has anyone on this forum stuck with it? Am considering switching hospitals (same onc) for the treament as they offer the cold cap in one and not my current... thanks..
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posted by kazoo
24 June 2011

Chemo questions

Last reply: 29 June 2011 19:01
Hey Am just about to undergo my third round (Docetaxel and cyclophosphamide). Was nauseous enough with the first two, last time they gave me lorazepam as well as cyclizine for nausea, dexamethasone and emend, but then I got very constipated (nurse did say lorazepam could cause constipation) followed by diarrohea (took senakot like they told me, maybe too much of it!!) and then piles - all lovely stuff. A week on and it still hurts to go to the loo (sorry, TMI!) even though the piles have cleared. I've heard that chemo can screw up the bowels, anyone else suffering? I'm juicing like mad, drinking water, everything I should be doing I think. Any advice?
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posted by linali
27 June 2011

follow up treatment

Last reply: 02 July 2011 09:03
hi can anyone help me with what follow up check up etc is usual. Im having problems getting appts .Maybe what im being offered is ok.I was diagnosed triple negative end may 2010, surgery, chemo and 33 radiotherapy finishing at end feb 2011. What would usual schedule appts be eg breast surgeon and check mammo. would appreciate anyones experience. thanks
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posted by encee
28 June 2011

How has weekly Taxol been for you?

Last reply: 13 July 2011 22:02
Hi folks! Done and dusted with my AC regimen so revving up to start my weekly Taxol next week. I'm wondering how did people fare out in general as the weeks went on? My kiddies are finished school today for the summer so I'm trying to figure out how much help I'm going to need - hope the weather is good to us or else it's going to be a loooooong summer!
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posted by Mabel
06 March 2009

Make people more aware

Last reply: 15 June 2010 17:08
Hi, I lost my Mum on Jan 26 2009. She had ovarian cancer. It was diagnosed in July 2007. She had seen a gynaecologist twice during the previous year. I suppose what I want to say is if you know something isn't right, keep persisting. Ovarian cancer symptoms are so vague, it is very hard to diagnose. If I had known then what I know now, I would have insisted on tests being done sooner. Anyway, she's gone now; nothing we can do about that. I would like information on the symptoms etc. to be made more available to the general public. Any ideas?
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posted by Cathy
30 March 2009


Last reply: 23 April 2009 08:31
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