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posted by Avril
15 February 2011

Calling all those with implants!!

Last reply: 28 February 2011 18:47
Hi girls, Greetings from the west of Ireland! I had chemotherapy followed a lumpectomy[with nodes removed] two weeks ago. Then was told I need to have a mastectomy. Now have to think of reconstruction. Surgeon seemed VERY much in favour of going down the LD reconstruction route rather than the implant route and said that,although painful initially, longterm the results are better with LD. I have little fat on my back[plenty everywher else!!] so would probably need an implant too even if I go down the LD road. This has made me want to know more about just having the implants and leaving my back well enough alone!I am a coward. I would love to hear from gals who had implants but not LD. I need to have radiotherapy also.Do implants survive radiotherapy? and look o.k. afterwards? I just do not know what to do.Am totally confused! Diag. Sept.2010 Aged 45 Invasive lobular cancer.ER+ Chemo -ACT Lumpectomy,2 nodes Positive Tumour 4.6cm. Tamoxifen Jan.2011 Advised to have mastectomy Feb.2011
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posted by macci
16 February 2011

coping after treatment finished

Last reply: 28 April 2011 13:23
Hi, I'm new to this message board, and feel a bit shy!! I had a lumpectomy, axillary clearance followed by mastectomy last July. Then chemo, 4 x AC + 4x Taxol. Then radiotherapy x15. finshed at the end of January. My scars and surrounding skin look so awful, red, black and brown and the skin is peeling and it's all really sore. My shoulder and chest muscles seem to be getting stiffer and I have what I think is nerve pain, like a phantom breast pain. I'm finding everything hard to deal with at the moment and wondered if anyone out there can give me some encouragement. I've run out of being positive and yet everyone keeps telling me it's great the treatments all over! It doesn't feel great. macci.
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posted by Avril
19 February 2011

Large tumour and terrified

Last reply: 01 March 2011 18:49
I was diagnosed with invasive lobular cancer last September.At that time,following mammograms and ultrasound and an MRI, I was told that the lump was about 2cm..I had chemotherapy and a lumpectomy.Last Friday the results came back from the lab. and I was told the tumour was actually 4.6cm.,partially responded to chemotherapy and that I will need a mastectomy.Now am terrified about the future and the likelihood of recurrence because of the size of the tumour.Two lymph nodes also were positive.I am really anxious,panicky and feel totally overwhelmed.Has anyone experienced anything similiar? Diag. Sept.2010 Aged 45 Invasive lobular cancer.ER+ Chemo -ACT Lumpectomy,2 nodes Positive Tumour 4.6cm. Tamoxifen Jan.2011 Advised to have mastectomy Feb.2011
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posted by linali
24 February 2011

triple negative breast cancer

Last reply: 10 April 2011 10:55
hi wondering is there anyone with triple n breast cancer. finished 6 fec chemo and 33 radio treatment this week and feel at a loss. no other treatment and worried that i wont know if cancer come back. help. everyone so pleased i finished treatment but i just scared. also waiting to meet surgeon for date for reduction surgery on other breast. dont know how long i have to wait after treatment. no one can tell me yet. trying to be positive as i have a lovely new grandson.
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posted by yaya
28 February 2011

Cant seem to get date for reconstruction surgery

Last reply: 21 March 2011 12:26
Hi Girls, I am 39 and had a left mascectomy in Feb 2011 with immediate reconstruction with a tissue expander. I was told exchange would take place in august. However I am still chasing a date for operation. I am really upset as want it finished but Breast Nurses have been telling me it is not possible yet as Surgeon too busy. Its been seven months since i should have had it and 13 months since expander inserted so I am really fed up waiting. I am in waterford. Has anyone had any hassle like this anywhere else? Im wondering should I get transferred to a different Hospital and get it done as I have vhi. Do any of you have any ideas? I love all your posts so helpful
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posted by FH2
11 March 2011

Second attempt at Expander Recon Failed - remove both??

Last reply: 25 March 2011 18:32
Hi, Sadly last week (only 3 wks after my last surgery) I felt a pop/clunk under my right arm. As the day wore on, I realised something had torn again and my expander began to drop. I visited my surgeon yesterday and he confirmed that it is now completely out from the muscle 'pocket' again. He says tissue expander recon will not work for me but I can look at another type of recon for the Right side. I previously spent 2 years trying to decide about my PBM and am not really interested in a flap procedure. My problem is... I am thinking of having the LEFT side expander removed also. I discussed this with my surgeon and he is happy to do this if I wish. My 'logic' behind this is that I would prefer to have some symmetry. If I stay flat, then I figure it will be easier to achieve symmetry with TWO prosthesis, rather than trying to match one to a firm implant. Or if I do subsequently decide to try some form of flap recon (unlikely as it is), I think I would prefer to have BOTH sides made from softer flap tissue, likely to droop over my lifetime, rather than one perky implant and one soft flap recon. I know its impossible to get perfect symmetry - I didn't have it with my natural, pre BC, or prePBM, breasts either. But I would like to have the best possible chance my deformed chest has at it. Am I mad? My removal surgery is schedule for March 22, or 29. Flo.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
11 March 2011

Physical Activity for Breast Cancer Survivors - start dates

Last reply: 29 March 2011 11:16
Are you a Breast Cancer Survivor? Do you want to get active? There is compelling evidence to suggest that physical activity after diagnosis and treatment reduces the risk of breast cancer recurrence and can help improve quality of life. We are currently recruiting women who have had a breast cancer diagnosis and are post-treatment and 12 months post-surgery to take part in our Physical Activity Programme. For more information and how to get involved please visit
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posted by hopeful2
08 April 2011

I found cheap post macestomy bras at last

Last reply: 11 April 2011 19:26
HI LADIES, I have tried everywhere for post mascetomy bras and they are scarce sources for them, i have bought them in lingerie shops, some marks and spencer shops and some debenhams, however they are often out of popular sizes such as 36B and 36C and are very expensive. i was in kilarney last weekend and the underwear shop in the outlet centre does a fairly good rang of them, usually you get sorry we dont do pocketed bras but the lady just said do you want padded or non padded and what colour. i was in shock, i got a lovely royce choc brown one and a white one for 15 euro each. i was delighted. eventhough i have lots of them, some wear against the radiated skin when out walking so hard to get comfy ones that are not granny bras. just thought this might be helpful. take care.
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posted by luciebutterfly
21 March 2011

waiting, waiting, waiting

Last reply: 23 March 2011 20:47
I discovered a lump about 3 weeks ago, went to the Breast Clinic in Eccles St last week, and they confirmed two "highly suspicious" lumps in my breast, and a larger than should be lump under my arm (nodes were mentioned). I had the mammogram, the ultrasound and a core biopsy. I don't get any results until later this week, and though i feel reasonably calm, I keep going over and over the various pieces of information, and the accompanying expressions of concern of the various faces I met on the day of the tests. There seemed to be concern about the fact that there were two aspects to be investigated. I am wondering if anyone has had a similar scenario (two bits in the boob and another bit in the armpit) and it didnt turn out to be cancer. I mean, there are plenty of lumps and bumps which turn out benign. Just looking for stories... Thanks for any tales. Lucie
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posted by Kevin_W
21 March 2011

Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL)

Last reply: 23 March 2011 15:16
Hello Wondering if there is anybody out there who has been diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leumkemia? I've just been diagnosed, and will start treatment soon - so keen if there are others out there? It's a pretty ununusual cancer - informal stats show a lot less that 10 people in Ireland diagnosed each year. Up to this point - I have found this dedicated HCL forum pretty useful Kevin
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