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posted by Superwhy
25 June 2013

My son has got chicken pox

Last reply: 26 June 2013 20:35
I had my last chemo yesterday. I just put my son into the shower and he has what looks to me to be chicke pox. I have had it. But do I need to be worried about anything. Can I get shingles..
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posted by bettersoon
26 June 2013

Curious about fertility options on offer...

Last reply: 27 June 2013 18:46
Hi All, Just thinking in hindsight about my choices, decisions & options.... I was 33 with no kids when diagnosed at beginning of this year. I was offered options varying from egg & ovarian tissue feeezing to IVF in the UK. Wondering what is available to Irish women in hospitals here? I count myself very lucky but in booklets I've read they seem to suggest that there's little more than moral support offered. Does it depend whether or not you're a public/private patient? Would love to hear your thoughts! xx
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posted by Neadi
27 June 2013

Last radio

Last reply: 08 July 2013 13:59
9 months to the day, I am heading into my last radiotherapy. I feel a bit strange to tell the truth, almost like the chapter is over, but is the book fully finished?? Anyway, all I can say is that I genuinely never thought I would get to this date last September. Those still in the middle of the storm- you do get out the other side! Xxx
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posted by Sunny
02 July 2013


Last reply: 03 July 2013 07:36
Hi I have started Anastrozole for hormone treatment after Breast cancer. I would like to know of other people's experience of this. I have read the information leaflet and after a few days feel a bit tired and headachy. I am hoping to be on this for a long time and would like to know how people tolerate it Thanks Sunny
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posted by Resolute
04 July 2013

Radiotherapy and all things underarm

Last reply: 09 July 2013 11:10
Hi folks! Hope this finds you all well on this beautiful day!! Can anyone tell me how they got around not being able to use spray deodorant and shave under their arm during treatment?? I feel I'll go crazy without my deo as its the first thing I reach for after my shower and if I can't shave under my arm what are my optioins?? It's these SIMPLE questions that keep me awake at night Thanks !!
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posted by sunshine71
06 July 2013

What a difference a year makes!

Last reply: 07 July 2013 23:35
[color=#8000BF:jxk3sn92]One year ago today I was on my way home in the car to break the news to my family that I had, indeed, got breast cancer. I can hardly believe I'm one year on from the diagnosis and have experienced some medical treatments that I never dreamed of having. I've also had to slow down my life, and my mind. I've started to look at myself in a whole new way. Before (cancer) I was a stressed person....woudlnt admit it then but can see now with hindsight. My life was busy and so fast at times. Then I got my diagnosis and suddenly my life was thrown upside down. The treatments were unfortunatly hard going for me and it was a long time from July '12 to my last radiotherapy in May '13. Now, however, the big treatments are over and I'm trying to settle into this new life I have now. Its not like my old life in so many ways. My arm and my hand tend to be swollen. My foot is sore with peripheral neuropahty, a side effect of chemo. And I have more breast surgery ahead of me in the future. And yet I can say I am happy.I have a quieter, slower life now which is nice. It allows me time to enjoy life rather than race through it. I am trying new things that I wouldnt have dreamed of before (cancer)......relaxation, mindfulness, accupunture, reflexology. I love experiencing new things that help me to learn what its like to make time for myself and to look after myself. I can't see myself going back to the old way of life I had before cancer. This life after cancer is pretty okay right now. I have ongoing medical issues but I feel strong now to cope with them and to still enjoy life. Nobody said life would be perfect or easy...I can vouch for that. But nobody said you can't be happy when life is far from perfect or eas[/color:jxk3sn92]y.
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posted by dodies
07 July 2013

Bile duct cancer

Last reply: 10 July 2013 15:56
Hi father has stage 4 bile duct cancer he has been given only months to live I haven't really seen too much on this forum about bile duct cancer but I was wondering has anyone had any success with any herbal things or. Natural products. I've read a little bit bout the healing properties of wheat grass and even breast milk....has anyone else heard anything bout these two ..I know this probably just sounds like desperation but I would be willing to try anything to prolong his life and I am pretty sure he would too.. Xx
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posted by KiKi86
08 July 2013

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Last reply: 20 July 2013 13:47
Hi all. This is my first post on here, I am hoping to find some answers from people who are going through similar issue as I am finding it difficult to get information from the health professionals. I have had two abnormal smear tests and so was referred on for a colposcopy and biopsy's. I was then informed, after waiting 12 weeks for the results, that I had to have a repeat colposcopy 8 weeks later to "confirm results". I have been trying to put it to the back of my mind since then. My appointment is for the 18th of July but then there will be more waiting on more results. Has this happened to anyone else? I thought the colposcopy should have indicated what the next step should be. Also I have been experiencing urethritis from intercourse. It has happened four or five times in the last three months. The symptoms are increase frequency to urinate, urinary retention due to swelling of the urethra, pain when urinating. The GP has given me Valium at times to reduce the swelling and allow me to void my bladder with some ease. She has also put me on antibiotics for 28 days. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar? Could this be related to the cervical issues or just a horrible co-incidence? The GP seems willing to dismiss it but it has been happening far too often now. I have been with the same partner for 7 years so I find it difficult to accept that all of a sudden for no reason this is happening every time we have intercourse. We have given the healing times longer and longer in between bouts of this urethritis but it hasn't made any difference. I will of course bring this up in the clinic at my appointment but in the meantime I would really appreciate hearing other women's experiences?
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posted by Superwhy
13 July 2013

Shellac nails.. 3 weeks post chemo finishing

Last reply: 20 July 2013 11:52
I finished tch chemo 3 weeks ago and have a wedding on Saturday. Am actually bridesmaid. I am kind of feelin a bit sorry I agreed to do it. Am feeling quite self conscious of my wig and pics in general. I was thinking of gettin my nails done as they a by yellow and have been painting them myself. But they are quite short. Don't seem to be growing. Was thinking of getting shellac nails or gel nails done. Do u think as I have finished chemo it's ok to do.. Hope ye are all enjoying the sunshine
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
15 July 2013

Sun is cause of breast cancer- theory

Last reply: 15 July 2013 15:43
[post edited by webmaster] The Irish Cancer Society does not support unfounded theories of cancer or unproven alternative treatments.
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