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posted by yaya
05 February 2014

Diep reconstruction

Last reply: 07 February 2014 10:03
Hi girls, Due to have bi lateral diep reconstruction in June with tissue from belly. Just wondering if anyone has had this type of recon done and what the recovery was like. Kids are 8 and 11 now so not too bad but just wondering how long to get back on my feet. Best wishes and luck to you all, Thanks a mill Bernie xx
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posted by Snoozy20
05 February 2014

Anyone gone against Mastetcomy advice

Last reply: 07 February 2014 14:23
Hi just wondering if anyone has gone against their surgeons advice and decided not to have a Mastectomy. My cancer was very small - stage 1 and Im had a lumpectomy and a re incision but I still have some cells in that margin. I feel that radiation might kills those rather than having a mastectomy. All my other signs are positive, node negative. If I have the mastectomy Im not having radiation or chemo just the tamoxifen for 5 years . Has anyone taken a chance
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posted by Buddylove
06 February 2014

Carcinoid cancer

Last reply: 07 February 2014 15:33
My dad has been diagnosed with carcinoid cancer, a tumour on the bowel. Unfortunately they can't do anything for him here in Ireland as it is too far advanced. The only treatment available to him is available in Rotterdam in Holland. We are just waiting for a call to go over here. So I guess this is all new to us & know very little about this treatment. Was just wondering has anybody here or know of someone who has traveled abroad for this treatment? Thanks in Advance.
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posted by Stargazer
06 February 2014

Final mamograms after threatment

Last reply: 07 February 2014 21:07
Hello There I' m just finished my year long threatment for BC. I had a wide local incision of the breast with ancillary clearance at leval 1 and 2 in April 2013 . This was followed by more surgery to the breast to get clear margins. I subsequently had chemo and radiotheraphy and have started taking tamoxifin . My final mamagram is next week. Is it possible that after all that threatment I may have to have a masectomy?? I had no lump to start with only just the tissue was diseased I am scared of what they will find now.
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posted by WicklowLady
07 February 2014

Itchy skin

Last reply: 10 February 2014 15:36
Has anyone suffered from itchy skin. My arms and legs are itchy from time to time and the skin must be delicate as I've scratched it and it starts bleeding, then I've scabs on it. Driving me mad. Finished chemo over a year ago and rads in May.
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posted by Catherine1964
08 February 2014

What would you ask your med oncologist?

Last reply: 27 February 2014 09:36
Hi all there, I hope you're all feeling good today! I am seeing my med oncologist on Tuesday. I was diagnosed in May, surgery in June, no chemo thank God, rads in Sept/Oct, and have recuperated very well, feeling brilliant. So, no complaints, really. However, I want to get the very best out of my visit with my med oncologist on Tuesday. It is my first visit with him since he told me I didn't need chemo and sent me to RT. My plan, over the week end, is to make a list of all the questions I have. I have oodles, but they're a bit all over the place, and I feel a bit overwhelmed. LIke everyone else, I want to know what are the chances of recurrence, but after that, I am quite wooly headed and inarticulate about it, and worry that this is my chance, and I really should make the most of it. What questions did you guys ask? What questions do you wish you had asked? Generally, what do you think I should ask? Thank you in advance! Catherine
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posted by Superwhy
12 February 2014

In grown toe nail. Poor me thread...

Last reply: 16 February 2014 22:00
Thanks to chemo my toe nail feel off bloody new nail is coming back ingrown and SORE... U would think after chemo nothing is sore after it.. Have to try and get a referral now.
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posted by Active
14 February 2014

Starting Hormone Therapy

Last reply: 22 February 2014 12:40
I am new to this forum , 61 years old. Diagnosed in october 2013, have had lumpectomy and Radiotherapy. Had to come off HRT within 2 weeks immediately after diagnosis ,having been on it for 10 years, so got hot flushes and night sweats shortly after coming off it. Have an appointment with oncologist next friday before starting Tamoxifen. Any advice about starting Tamoxifen and avoiding side effects welcome. Active
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posted by BrianMacca
14 February 2014

Happy Valentines' Day

Last reply: 15 February 2014 21:15
Hi everyone, yes it is Valentines Day, this is my FIRST post as I have only joined this message board. My new resolution is to keep up the enthusiasm to contribute. For the past two years I have been receiving treatment for prostate cancer. I have remained upbeat about this but in the day centre I have not had much opportunity except occasionally to chat with a fellow surviver. These last two years I have been busy doing study, I am a general nurse and now when I go for treatment I am so to speak on the other side of the bed. Anyway, I know there are many people who must read these blogs. Just reading or listening is a gift in itself. I love writing, chatting, sharing things. I am not on any other blog as I want to give time to this site. Well if anyone wants to ask any questions or share some thoughts please do. Like tonight I am sitting in with my wife waiting to watch the Late Late show - I believe all about singles. Any way it is something to do together. I am on hormone therapy so not much happening in that department, nudge, nudge. If you are alone tonight and feeling blue well cheer up - there is always something really good around the corner. Good night.
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posted by youngk
15 February 2014

going in for TUG recon

Last reply: 16 February 2014 09:12
finally got a date for my reconstruction! going in Tuesday 25th for TUG recon (They take from my thighs to make a new boob) Has anyone had this? can anyone offer any last minute advice? Also surgery is in Beaumont and their web page says no electrical equipment, does this apply to phones and tablets, or did anyone use these whilst in? I used both phone and laptop in Limerick and they had no problem with me charging them on the ward.
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