Breast cancer
posted by Evelyn
06 June 2009

I am so afraid

Last reply: 27 June 2010 19:07

Hi everyone
I found a swelling in my left breast around Christams but as I was going into hospital of an operation on a shoulder problem I ignored the swelling. I went to my GP Tuesday week and she was concerned, I saw the specialist yesterday. He said the lump (not swelling) is 5 cm and thinks it has been there a while. I have to go for mammogram, ultrasound and core biopsy on Tuesday and I did not ask if I would get any results even then. I have no pain in the breast the lump is on the top and I do have a little discomfort towards my armpit. I know I just have to wait for the outcome but I cannot help crying. I am 48 year old divorcee with 2 children a 21 year old girl and an 18 year old boy (sitting his leaving cert) I have told noone. I dont even know what I want from you girls at the moment, just any thing you can tell me about procedures and waiting time for results. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and good luck to you all.



commented by summerbreeze
21 January 2010

21 January 2010 12:07

Hi brave ladies, I have finally decided to post a message having come on a few times and read some of your amazing messages of support to each other. I have just finished chemo this week (4 months AC & T). I can't believe I'm even typing those words!! I first came on this website back in August when I was diagnosed with IDC, life has been a bit of a strange whirlwind since then..I've had 2 surgeries (wide excision lumpectomy and and then a subsequent axillary clearance), and started chemo in September. I had dose dense every 2 weeks right through to this week. Having come on here a few times and reading some of your posts, I was inspired by your strength and positivity and swore to myself (as I have never posted to a blog before!) that I would write eventually!! I really hope you are all doing well, I just couldn't see this far when I was diagnosed...chemo frightened me so much...but this week I am celebrating!! I know I have a way to go (starting radiotherapy in a few weeks) but I'm getting's amazing how much strength you find. Take care and stay strong x

commented by Evelyn
21 January 2010

21 January 2010 16:43

Well hello again everyone Evelyn here bright and breezy. 6 cycles of chemo down just 2 left (i hope). Finding it ok, the bone pain got me down but once we got right tablets it's not as bad. Not sick but a lot of burping Image removed. Got 1 expensive wig then decided I did not like it so on to e bay and bought 3 new ones for peanuts. I wear whichever one suits my mood on the day, it's great fun no one knows what colour I will show up in. Find it hard to type as the tips of the fingers numb so I will sign off now.

Love to you all Evelyn

commented by RoxAnn
26 January 2010

26 January 2010 22:17

Hey Summerbreeze, welcome on board, well done, I didn't have radio but friends who had didn't have any bother so you are nearly there !!! And Evelyn, you are on the last lap honey..... keep the head held high - whatever the wiggy day ( I thought the hair would be the worst part but I can see that you, like me, turned the situation into ''fun'' and ''got on with it'' - I know what you mean about your fingers being numb..... that will pass, my toes are still a bit numb (since feb09)but hopefully that will pass too !!! Still a bit stiff too but loosening out slowly but surely.
Well, like you summerbreeze I had never typed into blogs before but its when people like you type in that you had been ''tuning'' into whats up here and gaining support from it that I think its worthwhile to ''type from the heart''
and get out there. We, BC women (and men, lets not forget) are given an opportunity to ''grow'' and get to know the things that matter in life and really get to understand how strong willed we are and how much support we get from all sources - it is a very unique experience and eventhough we would rather not have had it I think we might all agree that it changes us as people forever - we wake up and yes, we take time to smell the roses....... I will never again go back to work full time - I so appreciate the friends and family who were right behind me , supporting me throughout.......... and I am sure that everyone who takes this journey has had similar experiences. Thats what we know NOW - so to tell that tale to people starting out is good - it tells them that they too will be strong and they too will ''get there'' and once again ''smell the roses'' !! Hey heck, at 43 years of age I was toboggoning down hills last week, building snowmen and having a great time in the snow !! Thats how to enjoy life !!Keep treating yerselves and keep smiling at the ''little things'' !!

commented by mondays
28 January 2010

28 January 2010 20:12

I just wanted to say, I have been following this thread, and I think you are all wonderful, strong women.

I truly wish you all the luck and best wishes as this journey goes on.

I look forward to reading your updates.

Mind yourself

commented by FH2
31 January 2010

31 January 2010 17:48

Hi there everyone,

Its been a while since I've been on but glad to see that everyone is doing ok. Evelyn, great that you are now almost finished your chemo - that last one is great!! Its about the only one you will ever be happy going to!!

Rox-Ann, I enjoyed yr words about smelling the roses and being changed for the better after the BC experience. I would agree heartily. I will be 4 years out from diagnosis in June and am doing great.

SummerBreeze, great to see you posting. I found these kinds of support forums great for anonymously voicing fears that family and friends might think irrational and just getting anything and everything off my chest. It was also a great source of information and tips about the easiest way to get through treatment. On that note, I found my radiotherapy fine, but I was pretty tired/fatigued by the end of it. Prob not just cause of the RT but the combination of everything - trauma of diagnosis, surgeries, chemo and rt. Your skin can sometimes get pretty sore after a few wks of it so make sure you follow the staff's advice about moisturising with non-scented cream (like E45) and using dermo sensitive shower gels and products (like Simple). I also found wearing cotton vest tops with hidden support instead of a bra more comfortable. And I also used to go topless in my room sometimes to let the air on my skin to keep it cool - that one did feel a bit weird sometimes!! Also if you are experiencing menopausal symptoms because of treatment, a fan can be a great purchase for your bedroom. I also chose to be an inpatient in the Lodge in St. Lukes in Dublin for my RT and I used the weeks there for some 'ME' time, availing of the reflexology treatments, art classes, counselling, chatting with other patients, going out for nice lunches or dinner occasionally, etc. Just make sure to pamper yourself a little and remind yourself how special you are!! Good luck, hope it all goes well.

Mondays, thanks for your nice comments and support.

Take care everyone!!
Flo. X

commented by Evelyn
02 February 2010

02 February 2010 01:58

Hi to all my fellow posters on this thread. Why did I call it " I am so afraid" all those months ago, guess that was how I felt at the time. Now all these months later Evelyn is a wiser stronger person who does not let lifes little worries get her down. Our life is what we make of it so every day I greet now with joy Image removed.

Had my chemo this morning well that's not exactly true had it yesterday as it's now 1.53 am Tuesday and I cannot sleep. The steroids do that to me for about 3 days. It went well except the hot flushes Image removed. No need for heading in my house these days except the wig/hat my head does get cold.

Love catching up with all your posts, you have all been on this journey and I felt you all on my journey with me so thanks to one and all.

Gonna have hot chocolate and head to bed, take care all of you.

Evelyn Image removed.

commented by summerbreeze
02 February 2010

02 February 2010 12:28

Hi everyone,
Still enjoying my "holiday" before rt strarts,and still so excited about finishing chemo!!
Flo, thanks for the hints on getting through radiotherapy, I am going to look out for some of those cotton tops you mentioned with the hidden bra, good idea. My doctor did advise me on using non scented products like you said..bit of a pain..nice shower gels and lotions are 1 little luxury I enjoy !You say you are 4 years over your that's brilliant..I'm so happy for you.
RoxAnn, you're right it's one heck of a unique experience but definitely one that shows how strong we are. You dig deeper than you ever would have thought possible, and while it makes you exhausted some days I think it really makes you stronger and more determined in the long run. It's a battle I never thought in a million years I would be fighting (heart disease is the biggy in my family, no history of cancer at all amazingly) but there you just never know. So I'm with you on having fun and making everyday count, and it sounds like you had a blast in the snow!!!Keep it's what I plan on doing!..between hot flushes by the way, yes they're just another little treat thrown in for good measure aaagghh!!! horrible but in the grand scheme of things I can live with them for a while. Image removed.
Evelyn, well done, and thank you for sharing your experience, it helped me on days I felt confused and fed up.
Mondays, thanks for your lovely words, appreciate it.

Bye for now,

Summerbreeze x

commented by FH2
02 February 2010

02 February 2010 14:21

Hi Summerbreeze,

On the non-scented stuff - why not treat yourself to a really nice scented body cream or lotion? You only need the E45 (or whatever) for the skin affected by the RT. You can still pamper other areas so you smell dreamy!!!!


commented by hugs
19 February 2010

19 February 2010 09:13

Hi Evelyn,

I know why you called it 'im so afraid'. Im new to this and have just put up a thread 'early days', so I know how you felt when you posted it.

The stories here have given me great encouragement xxx

commented by Evelyn
20 February 2010

20 February 2010 21:03

Hi to everyone

Hugs I know what you mean about this site. The people here have given me advice, hope and love. I feel I belong to a very special group of strong people, dealing with cancer, possible operations followed by treatment makes us stronger caring people.
Each one of us have our own story to tell as cancer effects us all differently however we do have some things in common. We discover a great STRENGTH we never knew we had We talk to people whom we might never meet and their stories can help us through the tough times. The treatments can slow us down and we discover a whole new world which we have the time to explore. Family and friends come to the fore and they walk every step of the journey with us. The regular hospital visits can become tiresome however I have found my medical team make the visits like a trip to the home of friends for a couple of hours.
My final cycle of chemo is Monday and Flo text me to have a wee celebration which I can assure you all I will. When I know what happens next I will be back to you all.

Take care one and all, Evelyn

commented by hugs
20 February 2010

20 February 2010 23:59

Thanks for that Evelyn.

When I read your first post, my heart sank, because I know exactly how you felt back then. I was amazed as I read through all of the posts at your strenght (i hope i have the same)

There seems to be very few places to chat about this in ireland. Loads for USA of course, but not much live chat here. Im so glad that you responded.

Ill let you know how I get on with my results on the 1st. Pray for good news xxx

commented by summerbreeze
21 February 2010

21 February 2010 11:51

Hi all,

Best of luck with your last chemo Evelyn..remember thinking this day would never come at times?? I know I did. You made it !! I just started radiotherapy this far so good. It's another new experience and a bit strange to say the least, I hate having to stay still for any length of's so hard but at least it's just for a short time. So back and forward everyday to the clinic for 6 weeks, a pain but the end is in sight Image removed.
Thanks for the advice Flo, they have told me not to use anything at all not even a plain moisturiser, seems to vary from hospital to hospital. I can use simple soap in the shower and that's it.
Hugs, It is so so hard waiting to hear results and I have everything crossed for you, you are probably like most of us..imagining all kinds of scenarios. But it is just impossible to know what path you are on until they come back with your own results. As you can see all the stories are different, but the one thing we find we all have in common is like Evelyn and lots of others have said..strength ,and no matter what comes your way you will deal with it. I have 2 children too, and I think I worried more about them and how they would feel but they have been brilliant, I can't tell are amazing. I was open with them from very early on and gave them info in the amounts and descriptions that I felt they could handle. They are a huge source of joy and comfort to me and this whole cancer business has just become part of our lives now, hopefully to be all put behind us.I found the same as you regarding websites and online support there seems to be so much in the US and even the Uk but this site is one place where we can keep in touch. One last thing, while you are on the net (and no one knows better than me!!) only read the reputable websites! Don't wreck your head with the wrong stuff! Take care, and best of luck.

commented by lulu21
21 February 2010

21 February 2010 23:43

beat of look evelyn just new to this sight and i remember the eeling of finishing up chemo i couldnt get my drip out face enought and run... saying goodbye to all the nurses was the hardest... nurses id got close to as a 21 year old having a laugh and a bit of a gossip of the latest celeb news was what got me throught 8 cycles of intense chemo... i brought them a goody basket of sweets... as seeing previous patients do this and having a little party in the day wasd... i envyed those patients so much... but hoped my day would come... and it did... the 13th of may 2009. . . . ill never forget it.... the smell of the fresh air ... i was free the BEST feeling in the world........ best wishes youve been through so much... xxx we can beat this

commented by hugs
22 February 2010

22 February 2010 17:41

Just thinking about you today evelyn, I hope all went well. You must be delighted to be finished with the treatments xxx

commented by Evelyn
23 February 2010

23 February 2010 21:04

Hello everyone
Yipee Yipee Yipee chemo finished yesterday. Cannot believe it but the last few months have flown by. Tough at times yes, but getting out of the shower no hair to blow dry and straighten I was ready to go anywhere at the drop of a hat. I am going to miss all my friends ( nurses and doctors and people I got to know) from the hospital. What will I do now every 3rd Monday, might have to go in search of a man Image removed.
Waiting to be called for scans to see where I go from here. Not frightened at the prospects as I KNOW I am a stronger person because of this journey.
Hugs of course I will pray for you. I remember someone on this site (useless at names lately, blame it on the chemo) told me to put the illness into a box and only open the boxes 1 at a time as you go on the journey. Hopefully your results will be negitive however if not open the box for cancer. If you are told you need surgery then open that box, it worked for me as I am the type to think too far into the future.
To end tonight I want to thank all of you wonderfull strong people who walked this journey with me so far, keep the runners on I will still be logging on for more chat.
Love & hugs to you all

commented by hugs
23 February 2010

23 February 2010 22:10

Thats great Evelyn. It must be a great feeling alright.
Its odd, im not worried about having surgery at all. If I could go in tomorrow and have the breast taken off I would. Im terrified that if it is cancer, that it has spread, so i have all the boxes opened and scattered around me. what if it is too late.
On a good note....if im told that it is cancer and that i have to have a mastectamy...but it hasnt spread...I will be relieved (if that makes sense).

Im going to try and do what you have suggested, put everything back in the boses..and worry about one at a time. I just find it so frustrating that the results take so long. The surgeon said that they will be having their team meeting that morning, and will come up wth their plan of action. Im wondering are my results just sitting there....waiting.....

But congrats to you Evelyn...and thanks for the update xxx

commented by Evelyn
24 February 2010

24 February 2010 14:32

Hi Hugs
I hope you have all those boxes sealed up. The waiting is the worst part of this journey, but the specialists must be 100% about the result they give you. I know how you feel (if it is cancer) about just getting rid of the breast. I called the cancer a little allien inside of me and I just wanted rid of it Image removed. You will not be left hanging around, as soon as your results are in the multidisiplinary team discuss your case and look at it from every angle. They know the worry of waiting so you will get the results as soon as they have them.
Remember DO NOT GO ALONE for results, as sometimes the mind goes blank and we dont hear all of what was said to us. Also if you have any questions write them down and ring the breast care nurse believe me they are a great source of advice.
Keep posting girl as this site is great for writing down how you feel when you cannot even tell family. We all went through where you are now so we all with you.
Evelyn x x

commented by FH2
26 February 2010

26 February 2010 16:18

Oh Evelyn,

Firstly, BIG congratulations on completing your chemo! If you ever have another job interview and they ask you that question about accomplishments/achievements that you are proud of then 'I made it through chemo' should be top of your list!!! Image removed. Well done my friend.

As I read your last post, I couldn't help smiling. It is wonderful to see how far you have come in the past few months. I remember talking to you in the very early days when you were waiting for results and trying to get your head around everything that was going on. You were so afraid, as we all have been at times. Now I see you passing on advice and your experience to others and it is terrific! Its exactly what this site is for and I hope it continues to grow. Hugs is right - we have nothing else like it in Ireland. Some other international sites are great (and I recommend them for information and fast responses) but it really is great to have some 'homegrown' support.

Let us know what scans you will be having. And when they are. So we can wait for results with you.

Flo. X

commented by Evelyn
28 February 2010

28 February 2010 20:34

Hi everyone
Very tired this week after the last cycle of chemo, hope to have more energy next week.

Hugs want you to know I am praying for you and will be with you in spirit for your results tomorrow. Remember there is life before during and after cancer so hang in there girl and know you WILL have the strength to face the outcome.

Love to all x x x

commented by hugs
01 March 2010

01 March 2010 16:54

Hi Evelyn....your journey ends...mine begins. I hope I can be as positive as you when I get to the finish line xxxx

commented by Evelyn
02 March 2010

02 March 2010 14:24

Hi to my BCSC meaning Breast Cancer Survivors Club
Reason I call us all survivors is once we get the diagnoses we are survivors from that moment on. Another thing I have been thinking about is There is life Before cancer, Life During Cancer and Life After cancer. we just juggle our lifestyle around depending what stage we are at.
Feel more tired this week than I did all through chemo, of course I prob getting side effects after the treatment lol
I was sent a beautiful pink ribbon in a frame by my niece and I would like to share the verse with you all

Ribbon Of Hope
This ribbon edged in pink and gold,
Holds hope to find a cure;
To each survivor, this we pray:
With faith you will endure.

Have a great day Evelyn x x

commented by hugs
02 March 2010

02 March 2010 16:11

Thats lovely evelyn, very thoughtful and a beautiful poem xxx

commented by Evelyn
09 March 2010

09 March 2010 12:11

Hello my friends

Little query to those finished chemo. When you hair was growing back, did any of you get spots or pimples om your head ? I know it sounds silly but my head has quite a few and I am wondering what I am doing wrong. I dont use shampoo in the shower just water on it so it's not shampoo/conditioner.

commented by FH2
12 March 2010

12 March 2010 12:19

Hi there,

Great to hear the hair is starting to grow back already. Warning - it can be itchy as it grows! I'd say the spots are coming because your head can get quite hot so it probably sweats and needs washing just like everywhere else. Just water is prob not enough so I'd try some gentle soap or shower gel and see how you get on. Or just wash it as you would your face??

Flo. X

PS - Why didn't you start a new discussion about this called "Spotty Head"??!! Image removed.

commented by hugs
12 March 2010

12 March 2010 17:42

Thats mad...and not something I would have thought about.
This board is going to be the lifeline for us least we will be forewarned about future problems.

It wouldnt have occured to me about spots, or cold heads, or even if you should wash your head with water or shampoo.

I love my new buddies.

I hope you get it resolved evelyn xxx

commented by Evelyn
12 March 2010

12 March 2010 17:50

Hi Flo
Spotty head here Image removed. As usual your advice is 100% correct. I was with my GP this morning and she took a look at my head. She said to try Johnsons Baby shampoo on it as it is prob the water alone not removing the sweat.Lets face it I sweat a lot these days with hot fuushes Image removed.
Heading out on the town tonight with my sisters (1st night out in ages). Have to decide what colour wig to wear as well as what clothes to wear, gosh my bedroom will be in a state.
Hi to all my other friends dont have time to write as I finally have a social life lol lol lol


commented by hugs
12 March 2010

12 March 2010 18:16

Thats great evelyn, i love your outlook! Ive decided that if im going to have chemo and lose my hair that im going to get a few different couloured wigs and go a bit

Do the hot flushes come with the cancer, or as a side effect of the treatment?
Ive been getting them on and off (more so recently), and dont know if it is stress related, cancer related, or what.

commented by Evelyn
14 March 2010

14 March 2010 00:51

Hi Hugs and all my friends
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all mothers on here, have a great day. . . we deserve it.
My hot flushes came with the chemo only my neck and face effected. Night time in bed the worst, some nights i get out of bed and stick my head out the window Image removed. But sure it's a small price to pay. Saves on light bills my face lights up the room lol lol.
I bought a couple of different colour wigs on e bay. Brand new from China costing very little. I bought ones with long hair brought them to my hair dresser and she cut them into shape for me, bless her she did not even charge me as we had such fun in the salon on the day.

commented by garcon
15 March 2010

15 March 2010 23:34

Hi Evelyn,
Thats so cute about your hairdresser, bet your wigs were lovely. My hair is growing back but its......wait for it.......completely white! The texture is like little new born baby and for a woman that had a head of hair like a fur bush, its certainly a change for me. Will the texture change do you think? Love the thought of having smooth hair (well any hair would be nice ha ha). Hope you enjoyed your night out on the town?
Can't wait for my eye brows and lashes to come back. Hope you're feeling well today. Hi to everyone else too.

commented by FH2
16 March 2010

16 March 2010 18:42

Hi Garcon,

Don't panic!!! My hair also grew back white/grey at first. I think the finer grey hairs grow quicker. But your natural colour does come through after a while. Unfortunately, I had to get a new passport at that time so my photo is not the best, to say the least!!!

Your hair may also go through a very curly or frizzy phase but again, it will more than likely return to normal after a while. I kind of miss my curls now....



commented by Evelyn
16 March 2010

16 March 2010 19:50

Hi everyone
Well my hair is coming back white and it's like a duckling's soft downey texture. I will be wearing the wigs for a while yet . . . . I did tell you all before I love my hair and am very vain about it Image removed.
Still waiting to be called for the scans, but this waiting is not as bad as waiting for the results last year. No matter what they show or what further treatment I may need I know I can handle it. Funny how cancer/surgery/treatment can make us stronger.
Evelyn x

commented by hugs
19 March 2010

19 March 2010 14:23

Hi Evelyn. How long do you think you will be waiting for your scans?
I take it they will say if you have the all clear?
Have you had radiotherapy or do you have to have it?
and did you manage to sort out your spotty head?

commented by garcon
20 March 2010

20 March 2010 13:32

Hi Evelyn,
When are you getting the scans? any news yet? Did you have radiotherapy yet? My hair is like a scarecrow at the moment, do notice though that the darker colour is coming back thru the white. I have such thick hair so suppose I will have a mad mop again, shouldn't be complaining, bet lots would love it. Weather has gotten bit milder so I'm wearing a lighter headband with scarf attached thingy, everyone admires it. Thank God I'm getting to wear it, it was €50 and thought I wouldn't get the chance. Found I had to fiddle with it at the start, looked a bit like a chef when I put it on first.
Hope you're having a good weekend,

commented by Evelyn
21 March 2010

21 March 2010 17:52

Hi everyone
Got my letter for scans and blood tests. So heading for Dublin on Thursday to get them done. I am having 3 CT scans chest, abdomen and pelvis. I am going on a weeks break then down to Kerry with my 2 children that way I will not ( I hope ) worry about the results. Will see my oncologist on my return for results and to see where I go from here.

commented by hugs
21 March 2010

21 March 2010 22:35

Thats a great idea to go away, it should make the wait easier.
I know for me (and im sure most people) the waiting is a nightmare. I feel as if i have aged over the last few weeks.

Hopefully it will be good news for you when you get them!

commented by Evelyn
22 March 2010

22 March 2010 22:57

Hi Everyone
My appointment Thursday for scans is 8 am so will be leaving home at 5.30am, thats the middle of the night for me. I could be doing with some of the steroids I was on during the chemo, they kept me awake Image removed.
Must admit now the day is coming closer I am getting a bit nervous, the usual "What If" comes to mind. Then I shake myself and say Evelyn you have been through worse get on with it. If it shows something is wrong I have a great surgeon, oncologist nurses, family and my friends here.
Take care all of you Evelyn

commented by FH2
23 March 2010

23 March 2010 10:46

Hi Evelyn,

Glad you have your date for scans now. If they start so early in the morning, would you not consider going up the previous day and spending the night somewhere close to hospital? Will it be the Mater? And is your daughter going with you?


commented by garcon
23 March 2010

23 March 2010 18:37

Hi Evelyn,
I really understand that this is a hard time for you, I remember the uncertainty of it all. Remind yourself that these tests are all routine and in the majority of cases they are completely fine, all those survivors out there had those tests too. People told me to find distractions and I did try and it worked at some points but you will be the best judge of that for yourself. Its great you are getting away, wonderful idea. Try to stay positive. I watched some funny movies, trash on tv etc. Keep telling yourself that your body is well, its just that little bloody alien in your breast that's causing all the bother. Sleeping ok?

Take care,

commented by Evelyn
23 March 2010

23 March 2010 23:07

Hi everyone
Flo I have a drive on Thursday and my sister coming with me so I will sleep and she can talk to the driver. The scans are been done in Euromedic clinic Dundrum as I would have to pay upfront and claim back next year from my insurance if I went to mater private. The place in Dundrum claim direct. They said the scans will only take about hour and half to two hours, then its back to mater private for the blood tests. I see oncologist 7th April for results.

Celine in my sane moments I know the results will be clear. Then I get negitive and think I felt fine this time last year and yet I had cancer. I guess I am back on the roller coaster (flo talks about this) they call cancer. I sort of sailed through the chemo and now it's finished I am getting the side effects. I have lost 2 toe nails on my feet and my hand nails are cracked, chipped and broken. They catch on everything and another piece falls off, lets face it I cannot put plasters on all 10 nails Image removed. The rash on my head has not gone away and now I have rash on my feet as well. Sorry for moaning put it down to lack of sleep. I am so tired but my brain wont shut down. Lets face it . . . if I was a horse I would be put down Image removed.

Keep strong everyone Evelyn x x

commented by garcon
24 March 2010

24 March 2010 00:34

You have just made me howl laughing, thats so funny about the horse. I'm going to adopt that one. Hillarious. Know what you mean about the nails, mine are hanging on by a thread, they look hideous! I havent been brave about looking at my toes, with all the bloody weight I put on it may not be possible anyway Image removed.
Good luck on Thursday. Now stop scratching that rash, rem what you were told when you were small, "don't scratch it,it'll spread".
Good night,

commented by hugs
24 March 2010

24 March 2010 01:38

God im going to have to stop reading these posts, yiz are all
It hadnt occurred to me about spots, or nails hanging off, or itchies, or even putting on weight (god help me, i cant afford to put any on, im already overweight). It looks like losing my hair is going to be the easy part Image removed.
I suppose ill have to deal with all that when it pops up Image removed.

I cant sleep tonight, I suppose i should try or Ill be in bits tomorrow!

commented by Evelyn
24 March 2010

24 March 2010 19:53

Hello everyone
Agh the last 2 messages have me laughing now too and I did none of that today, worrying about tomorrow.

I think we should all get together and write a book, we could call it "The cancer survivers joke book". I guess only us survivers would get the jokes though, other people would think we were mad laughing in the middle of cancer.

Now Celine about the itching, I have to scratch it as noone else knows where the itch is Image removed. On a serious note I know you're right but it really is very very itchy. Will ask the nurse tomorrow when I am at the hospital and see if she can come up with something.

Having an early night ( even though my sleep is very bad this week ) as I am fasting from midnight and have to be up at 5am tomorrow

Evelyn x x

commented by daffodil
26 March 2010

26 March 2010 10:55

Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I had breast cancer in 2005 and had chomo, radiotherapy and am on arimadex. The chemo stopped my periods and brought on the menopause I am 48 now. I love your idea about the joke book. Once when I met up with one of the breast care nurses in the hospital, she said how well I looked. I said "Yes, I had a weight lifted off my chest" She didnt know what to say..... I started laughing, then she did. I am over it now 5 years, I have started doing a course in counselling I have just finished my first year. I will be needing volunteers to counsel when I get to the end of my second year, Any body willing?

commented by garcon
26 March 2010

26 March 2010 22:24

Hi Elizabeth,
Hope all went well for you, Could it be some variation of thrush you have? Its very common with all this. Thinking of you and know there is huge strength inside you. Sure we're all strong, just takes something like this to realise it.

Love the idea of the joke book, most of my friends think I've seriously lost the plot and my sense of humour re: cancer is deplorable. They've gotten used to me now and add in their own lines. Just that they were so cagey at the start. My hubby is so funny some times with me, like if I'm dying with the chemo, he'll say "God a bit of ould cancer and she's whinging whinging all day" and will make a reference to how sick he was last year with "man flu" ie. a bad cold. Some people would be horrified but its how we get thru. He really is a very good carer but we try to laugh as much as we can. (Otherwise we'd cry I suppose).

I'd love to be a guinea pig for your counselling, though if you read my posts you might run a mile...... how long are your sessions ha ha?
Take care to all and good night from a drug fuelled (Anaestethic not worn off yet) Celine

commented by garcon
26 March 2010

26 March 2010 22:32

Sorry Evelyn blame the drugs I'm getting my threads/names all muxed ip!!!
How about we start a new thread for us all to link into? Its hard to keep track of everyone Elizabeth, Evelyn, Hugs, Flo, Daffodil etc.
Evelyn I do hope you are keeping well today.

commented by Evelyn
27 March 2010

27 March 2010 23:44

Hello my friends

Had scans and bloods done on Thursday, that was the easy part. Gp gave me a liquid for my "spotty" head and it's working a treat after just 2 days. Heading to Kerry tomorrow, running away from results as they will be ready Wednesday. I have appointment the following Wednesday on my return have to face the music sometime Image removed.

Good luck to all going into hospital next week, I know hugs is going in but my "chemo brain" has forgotton who else sorry Image removed.


commented by Elizabeth4
28 March 2010

28 March 2010 13:33

Hi everyone. Have at last discovered how to read all the messages instead of replying directly to whoever answers me. This is great. I agree it is hard to keep track of everyone and what stage they are at. I started to write down in a notebook all your names and a brief note beside them so i could keep up.

Have no hair now and going for second chemo on Tuesday.

Good luck to everyone and all the best with all treatmemnts. I will try to keep up properly now.


commented by garcon
31 March 2010

31 March 2010 01:09

Hi Evelyn,
How was Kerry? Hope the snow didnt affect you too badly? Any news from the hosp? Hope you are feeling good.
Take care,

commented by Evelyn
31 March 2010

31 March 2010 21:24

Hi Celine and all my other friends
Still in the mighty kingdom of Kerry and loving it. we lived here for 10 years so visiting all my old friends. My appointment with oncologist is next Wednesday afternoon, my daughter is coming with me.

Have to tell ye a funny but true story that happened to me. I ordered a coffee to take out in a cafe. While the lady was making it one of her fellow workers went over to her and whispered (I could hear her) "Now do you see her thats the way I want my hair to look" The other lady replied "Sure she's only out of the hairdressers, there's not a hair out of place" When she came over with the coffee I asked her to call her fellow worker over, they both went a bit red Image removed. at this stage. I asked her did she really like my hair, she replied yes. Well I said if you wait a few months I will come in and give it to you because it's a wig I dont have hair due to chemo. Once I laughed they did too I also got the coffee for free Image removed. This is the 2nd time my wig got me a free coffee but thats another story.

Take care all of you Evelyn x x

commented by summerbreeze
01 April 2010

01 April 2010 15:04

Hi Evelyn

Great story!! I loved it! Glad you are enjoying Kerry, I'm going next month for a weekend and am really looking forward to it. Image removed. Take care.

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