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posted by Emsie
02 July 2024

Cancer and stoma

Last reply: 08 July 2024 14:05
Hi, 48 yr old female diagnosed with stage 4 bowel and liver cancer in march 2023, had emergency colostomy in aug 2023 and I am still struggling with having the stoma. i just cant accept it, it has changed so many aspects of my life, and I have developed a hernia as a result. I know I shouldnt be focusing on the stoma but it has completely shattered my confidence. I spend more time dwelling on the stoma than on the cancer which I realise is silly but I dont feel like my self anymore. Got news today that all of the tumours have grown in the last 3 months so will start on a different course of chemo. Anyone else with a stoma feeling the same way?
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posted by FK
02 July 2024

Biopsy wait

Last reply: 18 July 2024 17:31
Hope anyone can help or reassure me please, I haven't been diagnosed with Cervical Cancer but had a Colposcopy and biopsy 4 weeks ago due to high grade changes in my cervix(didn't have a smear test in 10 years which I know is stupid on my my part) My mum and 1st cousin both died from Cervical Cancer,I'm in my late 40's & haven't slept since the biopsy.I rang the hospital today & there is no sign of my results & sick of my husband saying "no news is good news"..have any of you ladies been in the same position as in waiting 4 weeks or more for results.Thank you.
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posted by dee2024
30 June 2024

Ribioclib experiences

Last reply: 09 July 2024 10:37
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer just before Christmas. My secondary is in my pelvic bone. Started on hormone therapy & ribioclib. So far I've had 5 cycles of ribioclib and it's been great. No major side effects. Would love to heat other people's experience, in particular how long it worked for you, and what treatment was recommended after ribioclib. Thanks
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posted by Anne Treacy
28 June 2024

Biopsy Appointment

Last reply: 04 July 2024 16:06
Hi, My husband attended his GP with lump in his groin on 7th June. GP said it was from a small black spot on his foot. He referred him to a skin cancer consultant who he saw on the 14th June. The consultant said he would need a biopsy and scans. He sent his report to Waterford University Hospital. The consultant is now on three weeks leave. We have been anxiously waiting for an appointment and today my husband, Tom, received an appointment for scan next Monday and biopsy on 17th July. I know that biopsy results can take more than a week to come back. For me, Tom is taking a less worried view, this period from noticing the lump to diagnosis is very long. My question is: is the 7-8 weeks wait losing vital time if treatment is needed and if it is can we do anything about that.
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posted by Beechfield34
24 June 2024

Preventative ovary and tube removal

Last reply: 01 July 2024 16:56
I finished treatment for TNBC 3 years ago. My mam passed from ovarian cancer at 53. No genetic link . Last Friday I got my ovaries removed along with my fallopian tubes . I’m regretting it now as it’s Monday night and I am in awful pain. All my abdomen is sore. The scars are sore. I’m bloated. I feel like I am in labour . Feeling really down about it at the minute . Wondering if it was worth getting done. I feel I haven’t had a break from treatments / hospitals .
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posted by murphy1
24 June 2024

TC chemo

Last reply: 26 June 2024 11:02
I started TC chemo 6 days ago and still feel really achy with a headache. Is this normal? I don't have a fever.
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posted by Sootybrad1
22 June 2024

I don't know how to accept its real

Last reply: 26 June 2024 11:04
I just don't know what to feel I feel like im not in reality and in a few days I'm going to have a stoma bag an start chemo an radiation
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posted by lb1986
18 June 2024

Mammogram in Galway

Last reply: 19 June 2024 17:08
Hello, recently attended gp for routine check up and she felt a lump. Refereed to symptomatic breast unit in Galway. Consultant didn't feel anything worrying and sent me for a mammogram. I was told results could take up to 2 weeks which feels like a lifetime, do they ever come earlier or if something showed up would I be told sooner? Trying to be patient!!
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posted by greeneyes40
16 May 2024

Infertility after breast cancer

Last reply: 21 May 2024 10:33
Hi, I was diagnosed with lobular hormone positive breast cancer last year. I have finished treatment but I am on Zoladex and exemestane for the next few years. I was diagnosed at 39 and have no children. As the cancer was hormone positive and in the lymph nodes they have told me that it would be a big risk of recurrence to come of my medication to become pregnant which I am not willing to take. I have always wanted to be a mother and now this has been taken away from me as a result of breast cancer. I am wondering if there is anyone else in the same situation and if so how did you come to terms with it ? Thanks 🙏
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posted by RyBread
06 May 2024

How to support a relative?

Last reply: 07 May 2024 14:15
Just wondering what the best way is to support a relative with replacing cancer?
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