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posted by rosegarden
29 October 2011


Last reply: 04 November 2011 14:24
my dad was told last week he has melanoma. its on his back. he was told it was 4mm, not sure if that is bad or not. has he a chance of survival? we are not sure of the stage. he is going for surgery in 4 weeks. we feel this is too far away, we are trying to get that changed. thats all we know till the op. can we hope? would love advice.
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posted by rosegarden
29 October 2011


Last reply: 04 November 2011 15:54
my father has been diagnosed with maligment melanoma. it is 4mm, we dont know what stage as he has not had surgery yet. which is in 4 weeks, we are trying to get it sooner. we are so worried, we dont have much info. have people survived 4mm deep. why would he not need treatment. do they think he has no chance? hope someone can help.
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posted by bsj
01 November 2011

Referral to Breast Clinic

Last reply: 11 November 2011 07:36
Hi there, My GP has referred me to the breast clinic in Beaumont Hospital, how long should it take for an appointment to come through? Would I be better to go privately to the Mater? Many thanks
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posted by rosegarden
03 November 2011

dads melanoma

Last reply: 27 April 2014 17:54
not having a great day. we are are still waiting to see if my dads surgery can be brought forward. no luck yet. i thought i was coping well, but burst out crying at work today, i was not even thinking of my dad at the time! trying to get on with life as normal as possible, kids activitys, work . trying to keep my mother together, keep her thinking positive. i dont know what happened to me today. i just feel so uselees. this is something i can not make better. cant upset my mam by telling her this. must keep on the brave face, he will be fine etc, but inside i am scared . i am heartbroken this has happened to my lovely dad. i will keep hoping this will have a good out come
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posted by bear12
08 November 2011

chemo still paining me

Last reply: 11 November 2011 08:37
Hi, Got Breast Cancer May 11, did 4 AC and 3 Taxol since. Didn't do 4 taxol due to side effects. Good News, on Breast Lump it went way down and chemo worked. Finished Chemo 6 weeks ago. Still suffering. Pain in feet peripheral neuropathy, pain in breast and under arm and stiff all over. Feel so weak and only get 4-5 sleep with sleeping tablet. Due surgery next Fri week and dreading it. Have people found chemo effects to last so long. bear12 E xxx
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posted by wexlass
11 November 2011

The long wait is almost over...

Last reply: 02 January 2012 00:32
...and I start Radiotherapy on Monday. It's been hanging over me for 2 months now and am relieved at last to be starting...30 will be going right up to Dec 23rd. Hopefully there won't be any machine breakdowns or snow! Anyone have any tips please? Hope you are all doing well on your journey. Micheline.
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posted by 1972
04 December 2011

What do treatment drugs do to your brain?

Last reply: 05 December 2011 15:49
My granddad was diagnosed with cancer, earlier this year. (prostate and then bone) After getting injections in the stomach every month ( not sure what the drugs are) he really started to pick up and look like his normal self. Over the last 2 months he has started to loose weight again and spend more time in bed again. After his injections he seems to turn very nasty. My nan is his full time carer and she gets the brunt of his nastiness, saying she's a terrible carer and he'd be better off without her, which has absolutely devastated my nan, (because she is and always has even before he was ill, waited on my granddad hand and foot) and she has broken down a couple of times. My nan has noticed a pattern of just after his monthly injections that he turns this a normal reaction to the drugs? He is also hallucinating abit, seeing people who aren't there. This is the first close relative who I have know to have cancer so its a shock, especially with someone who has never been seriously ill in their whole life.....
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posted by smurf77
05 December 2011

In memory of my Mum

Last reply: 21 January 2012 22:47
My Mum passed away in 1981, so thirty years ago last October. It seems to be on my mind alot for the last few months. Most likely because I am now older than she ever was, she was 33 years old when she passed and my son is nearly the age I was when she died (3) and I had a little girl a few months ago. I can honestly say Ive grieved for her alot and feel robbed of her on all happy and sad occasions in my life. Ive no siblings and feel Im the only person who still actively misses her. I just wish she was here to meet my babies RIP Mum
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posted by ephemere
08 December 2011

working whilst on chemo

Last reply: 13 December 2011 09:06
Hi anyone who is wondering about this- Thought I'd post quickly on this topic, as I'd started asking about it a few months ago, before starting chemo. Anyhow, and we don't all have choices in this regard, I recognise, but I kept up my work- a bit. And it helped enormously. I went on sick leave from my full time job as that involved too much travelling, but I kept up, sort of, my self employed practice. To be honest, my super-employee fronted for me, and did everything, but it kept me sane to try to work. I sort of followed her into meetings and pretended to understand what I was doing, and typed aimlessly a lot of the time, but other times I did make good and big decisions and presentations. I really felt much better for the sense of doing something worthwhile and not being a full-time invalid. However, I did have help, I did have a choice, and I also slept and rested a lot. There were days when I was in a chemo daze and towards the end my cognition and memory definitely deteriorated (that was a bit frightening), but its grand again now, seven weeks after final chemo. I was on the pretty aggressive TAC, which though horrid and not at all easy, was survived. There you go, started rads and Tamoxifen this week. Waiting for menopause to kick in any day now. Sincere good luck to everyone... xxxxxxxx
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posted by mary23
03 January 2012

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 13 January 2012 14:46
Has anyone had mamosite and brackytherapy for breast cancer. I had this last year and have had a lot of problems
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