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posted by Northern100
03 June 2012

Waiting on oncotype results

Last reply: 14 June 2012 17:39
Hi all I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer following routine mammogram just turned forthy in December. I had macestomy and reconstruction in April and pathology report showed 5cm of dcis and 5mm of invasive grade 3 I am currently awaiting results of oncotype dx test and just wondering if anyone has experience of this test and score is considered ok to skip chemo. Thank you so much Molly
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posted by Dane7
04 June 2012

Vein Problems

Last reply: 07 June 2012 17:21
Hi all Having my third chemo tomorrow. Hand where last chemo was administered is still very sore and veins gone dark brown/black with brown patches on the skin. Started dark red and has changed over the weeks since the last session. Saw GP, game me antibiotics. Took them and still have the problem. Anyone else had issues like this and if so any advice. Thanks
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posted by freespirt
05 June 2012

already had pre-cancer cells removed twice

Last reply: 14 June 2012 17:34
hi all, im a 29 year old woman, whose had pre cancerous cells removed from my cervix twice already at the age of 22 and 26. about 8 months ago i noticed a lump in my right breast but didnt pay any heed because it moved backwards and forewards upon moving it, but the other week i was in the shower and noticed this lump has gotten alot biggeri`m kind of scared to go the doctors because of my previous history and cancer also runs in mums side of family (4 uncles have died in the past 8 yrs with cancer) i also afraid to go to my doctors in case they think im over reacting...will i just let it go for a few weeks and see if lump goes away, im aware it could just be a cyst... any advice greatly appreciated
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posted by Kally
05 June 2012

Post surgery

Last reply: 12 June 2012 23:19
I am due to go for my second surgery on Friday and yet still dont feel fully recovered from my first .I have a pain in my left breast thats very tender if anyone can tell me is this common or am I just watching everything to closely now... Kally
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posted by yaya
08 June 2012


Last reply: 26 June 2012 11:35
Hi I got my genetic test results in Crumlin on Monday and I tested positive fo the Brca 2 mutation. I kinda expected that result as both me and my sister diagnosed with breat cancer in our thirties.Trying to get my head around it and gather as much info a I can. The Genetics Doctor was lovely and is referring me to Cork to meet with Surgeons to discuss the possibility of removing ovaries and maybe the other breast. She said I could be two months or so before app so plenty of thinking time. I just wondered had anyone had any preventative surgery or dealt with the surgeons in Cork. Thank you all Bernie
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posted by wilmaone
11 June 2012

Lost in the aftermath!!!!

Last reply: 17 June 2012 00:06
Hello ladies just wondering if anyone else out there can relate?Im finished chemo(end of march)and 6 weeks out from surgery,all recovering well thanfully.But i cant seem to shift the 'lost'feeling.I have gone from the safe cocoon of appointments with various surgeons mostly telling me what i had to do and having dates pencilled in for pretty much every week.Now its 3 weekly visits for herceptin,see the breast surgeon in 6 months and the plastic surgeon in 3 months.I have yet to see the oncologist consultant(whom i have only ever met once before chemo).Dont take me wrong im delighted to be done,but nobody tells or helps you to readjust to the new normal we all live now.I get up in morn get kids out to school ,and then wonder what to do,so of course the mind wanders. Im sure its early days yet and i will pull myself together,but does anyone else understand? xx
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posted by Northern100
13 June 2012


Last reply: 20 June 2012 09:28
Hi Just wondering if anyone knows how long after surgery does chemo start Thank you so much
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posted by Fighter
19 June 2012

Sentinal node biopsey

Last reply: 22 July 2012 22:43
I had a wide local excision and sentinal node biopsy done this day last week. My scar is much bigger than I thought, around the nipple and right across the breast. That hasn't been too painful, but my God is the sentinal node biopsey scar sore and painful. Is this normal? It's definately not inflamed or infected but my underarm area feels a bit numb and feels as if its being pinched all the time.
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posted by Capricorn
21 June 2012

Dealing with major reflux(acid) on top of chemo every 2weeks

Last reply: 27 June 2012 09:21
I am having chemo every 2 weeks I have suffered from GERD or Reflux (acid) for years, controlled it with a nightly pill. but the chemo seems to have brought on excess acid 100 times over, got medication from my doctor but like taking smarties, anyone out there in a similar situation, perhaps could give me some tips, it is not my diet as I am very careful what I eat in fact I am afraid to even eat in case this awful acid starts bounding up my body again I get cough in my lungs from the acid, have just started a course of antibotics to help in order to be ready for my next session on 29th June I started May have done 4 sessions every 2 weeks on drug A&B Start session 5 29th June on Drug C, My tumour in my breast has been reduced from over 4cms now to 1cms I am happy with this positive news to date, if only I could get some relief for the 'ACID' attacks Treatment going to plan. last chemo 10th August, some weeks later surgery, then radiation dont know how much yet Capricorn Cork
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posted by Ryaner
28 June 2012

Malignant Melanoma

Last reply: 10 July 2012 10:53
Hi there, I too visited this site in March 2011 and there was no posts on the Melanoma board. My husband had just been diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma and I felt like our world had been turned on its head. He's not a sun worshipper, when we went on our first few holidays together he would drive me mad as he spent so much time putting on sun-cream, i used to slag him, so this diagnosis left me gobsmacked!! There was no-one to share it with and nowhere to get advice specifically on this type of cancer. A couple of people laughed at my "over-exaggeration" at this and I had comments like " oh sure skin cancer isnt that serious - its not like real cancer" - So I googled my life away (and his with all the horror stories on the net). So after a mole from his face came back as cancerous, he had the wider excision done top left side of his face with skin grafts taken from his chest. They also did the sentinal node biopsy and then 2 out of 5 lymph nodes were positive. Back in for a full clearance of the nodes on the left side - all came back clear - 36 in total. Then in July last year he started Interferon - through IV 5 days a week for the first month and then 3 times weekly. He finished the other day!! His CT scan came back clear although there was a remark about his glands on the right looking a little swollen. The doctor said this could be for any reason but of course Im thinking the worst. We have 2 youngsters not even in school yet and I live in fear constantly. He will be back in with them every month for awhile so theyre keeping a close eye. I wish there was a support group for Melanoma, there is so much support for certain types of cancer. It has been a lonely place for him this last year and I wish he had people in the same situation to talk to. When he was starting the Interferon Beaumont Hospital didnt even have another patient on the same drug that could advise him. I find that we all get warned about skin cancer and there is screening available but should you find yourself actually diagnosed with it then you hit a wall. I know there are plenty of sufferers out there so although I wouldnt wish this on anyone it is good to see posts on this board. It would be great for people to come and find a place to tell their story, get advise and share theirs also. Also I cannot praise the Irish Cancer Society enough for their support last year, i think theyre phenomenal. Em
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