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posted by northernstar
03 May 2013

Before / During & After Radiotherapy

Last reply: 08 May 2013 18:25
Any tips / advice? I am currently recovering from surgery but will be having radiotherphy on my tongue in a few weeks. Thanks
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posted by deefed
04 May 2013

Got the ALL CLEAR after mascteomy

Last reply: 06 May 2013 12:18
Hi Ladies feel terrible havent been on here in ages. Just an update had my mascteomy last week and now that part is over, Chemo (check), Mascteomy (check) now onto rads in a few weeks. Got pathology report yesterday with excellent results as far as medical science can see he said I am cancer free. Only 1 out of 19 nodes affected. Feeling delighted with myself but still a little sore body and mind. Just wanted to let you know that through all the crap there was light at the end of the tunnel. For all those starting off best of luck, keep the chins up and dont let this bastard beat us!!!
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posted by encee
06 May 2013

anyone have family diagnosed with BC before/during/after you

Last reply: 08 May 2013 14:48
Happy Bank Holiday everyone! It's been a while since I've been on - just back out from a few days of hospital to have a bit of tidying up done on my original surgery so all grand now we hope However, I'm wondering if any of you had immediate family diagnosed with breast cancer before, during or after your diagnosis and treatment? If so, was the issue of genetic testing raised by you or your treatment team? One of my older sisters has just been diagnosed and is firing a million questions at me so I'm looking to see what is the best way for me to support her without getting dragged back into something that I'm only coming through myself. At the moment, it's easy for me to deal with it as I'm still a bit off my head from surgery last week!
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posted by WicklowLady
06 May 2013


Last reply: 09 May 2013 14:42
Just wanted to say to all our members that haven't started treatment or have just started or are in the middle of it, that there is a life after it. I thought when I was in the middle of chemo and starting radiotherapy that I was never going to feel any sense of normality again but today I did. My poor hubbie wasn't well over the weekend so roles were reversed and we went for a drive in the sun today and had some lunch out and I just wanted to scream"Oh how I appreciate life " a sandwich in a little cafe and I was so happy and contented. No hospital now for three weeks so going to enjoy it. People are strange met a lady I knew today who got breast cancer same time as me, just had lumpectomy and radiotherapy, no chemo, but she wasn't really happy, complaining about the soreness in her breast from the radiotherapy and I just got the feeling she felt hard done by, because she got cancer. I had to say to her that if she had have had chemo it would have been a lot worse and the pain in her boob would have paled into insignificance . I said "we are so lucky" she's still looking at me. Cant believe I'm getting so many compliments about my hair, makes you feel good too. Even my lovely radiotherapy oncologist said to me on Monday "the hair's lovely Mary" and he's as bald as an egg lol but lovely and handsome. Just thought I'd share todays thoughts with you my dearest friends. Xxxx
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posted by sunshine71
09 May 2013


Last reply: 13 May 2013 17:05
[color=#800040:cf406n61]Wondering what peoples thoughts are on this. Just thinking how many 'negative' images there are out there with regards to cancer. I personally hate the use of 'she/he lost their cancer battle' or 'she fought her illness bravely ' etc. It sort of gives the image that people who get well do it through choice and people who don't didn't 'fight/battle' long or hard enough. People are said to be 'courageous, brave and never complain', yet I know I'm not always brave or courageous and have certainly complained when I was in huge pain. I was also angry and really annoyed at times. In my mind cancer is like any other medical illness. It comes into your life and you do your best to get the best medical outcome. Whether you get well or not, like lots of other medical conditions, depends on a lot of things. I would also say that experiencing cancer has had its positive moments, funny moments and lifechanging moments. I was forced to take time out to get treatment for my cancer and in doing that I took time out of a busy life and realised that if I had time for this I can also make time for other things in my life. LIfe is only as busy as I make it. I've had funny 'no hair' moments, met some amazing people along the way. Would I change things.....most definately YES. I would prefer not to have cancer. But I've no regrets about what I've learnt about myself.....only wish I could have done it some other way, some other time. [/color:cf406n61]
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posted by shirls
09 May 2013

Back to work & bad memory/concentration

Last reply: 12 May 2013 20:03
Hi Girlies, Just looking to hear of your experiences with going back to work post surgery/chemo & rads. I finished chemo last Nov & rads in January and returned to work five weeks ago. I decided not to return to the job I had pre my cancer journey and have started to work for a new company. Its full time in an office. The biggest problem is my memory loss and tiredness. I feel totally out of my depth and really lack the confidence I had before. I have to write everything down and there are times when I just feel so god damm stupid. I got recommended for this job and now I feel like a completely different person than what I was a year ago and I'm sure my new employer is disappointed as they were convinced I was going to be wonderful & ideal for the job but I'm simply not that person anymore. I have gone from being top of my game to struggling terribly with the simpliest of tasks. Has anybody else had these problem? Shirls
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posted by wilmaone
11 May 2013

breast lift to good breast

Last reply: 13 May 2013 22:07
Hi all Has anyone had their good breast lifted after recon to match up with new one?Am going in on 21st to have this done aswell as fat filler to new one.Just wondering what to expect with lift as am hoping to do mini marathon 11 days later(had signed up before date came in). Any info appreciated thanks. xx
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posted by Dane7
11 May 2013

Well I did it!

Last reply: 11 May 2013 22:44
Ladies Just thought I would let you know that I went swimming today .... in a pool ... communal showers .... public changing room! I have been putting off going swimming, which I used to do in a previous life, as I felt I could never face the no boob situation. Well today I took the bull by the hornes and did it. Swam 12 lengths - will sleep for sure tonight and better still the uniboober survived the looks and all the uncomfortableness. It is true ... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Ladies I thought my pre cancer body wasn't too hot and I would never have been comfortable in the communal showers/changing room. Never, ever thought that I would take the cancer ravaged version out on tour!!!!
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posted by Superwhy
11 May 2013

Sex life during chemo

Last reply: 14 May 2013 18:02
Sorry not sure where else to ask this. We were told in the hospital as long as my husband wears a condom we could continue to have sex. I meet a lady today who said she was told not to have sex during chemo. What was everyone else told... Jesus I will be very upset if on top of everything else we can't even have a sex life..... Apologies of tmi...
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posted by Superwhy
13 May 2013

Dexamethasone 8mg..steroids

Last reply: 13 May 2013 12:33
Well I have spent another sleepless night . I sleep well except the 3 days I have to take these tablets. Anyone else find this. On top of the increased appetite for these few days...
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