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posted by madge
17 May 2021

Galway breadt check

Last reply: 18 May 2021 11:58
Anyone know if breadt clinic is affected with the virus attack, appointment this week. No phone lines working.
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posted by madge
30 April 2021

Waiting for appointment

Last reply: 18 May 2021 09:56
I visited my doctor about 5 weeks ago with discharge from my breast. She referred me to Galway Breast Clinic and said it should be 6 weeks for an appointment. Still haven't heard anything. Does anyone know what waiting time is in Galway. Would it be ok to ring Clinic. Going out of my mind waiting.
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posted by Fifil
11 May 2021

Waiting time for referral to

Last reply: 17 May 2021 22:14
Hi, I found a lump and the GP found 2 more. I've been referred to the Galway Breast Check clinic. I've phoned them and they have my referral letter 2 weeks. GP marked it urgent. They couldn't say how untilI get my appointment. What has your experience been? Also how long should I expect to be at the clinic the day of the appointment?
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
17 May 2021

Update following HSE cyber attack

Hi everyone As a result of the cyber attack to the HSE site it has created a lot of anxiety for those diagnosed with cancer or waiting for test results. Here is a link to the HSE information regarding their advice. The following is the HSE specific information for those due to have radiotherapy Our support line is 1800 200 700 and you can speak to a cancer nurse here Mon- Fri 9-5pm Kind regards Cancer Nurse
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posted by eric901
14 May 2021

Metastic Melanoma

Last reply: 17 May 2021 16:54
Hi, my dad has metastatic melanoma in his brain. We have been through the highs and lows for the last few years of available Irish treatments. He has gone though all the courses here and wondering has anyone any advice on where to look for treatments abroad for this? Thank you, Eric
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posted by Fifil
15 May 2021

HSE cyber security breach - Appointments next week

Last reply: 17 May 2021 10:33
Hi, I've an appointment early next week. This will be my first appointment in a symptomatic breast clinic. I'll likely be having a mammogram and ultrasound at least. Do you think these type of appointments will go ahead? It sound like the cyber security breach will be ongoing? Thanks
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posted by Funkychicken
17 April 2021

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 11 May 2021 12:55
Hi there, im a lung cancer survivor (2018) and a week ago i found a tiny pea size lump on my left breast....My doctor has reassured me she thinks it might be a cyst....but has referred me to the breast clinic for a follow up checkup Can i ask what happens at this check up please? Thanks in advance
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posted by MakeMeMelt
28 April 2021

Waiting for breast clinic

Last reply: 11 May 2021 12:46
I went to my GP this week with a strange lump on one of my breasts. At first she was very reassuring, saying that because of my age (35) it would probably be nothing to worry about. However as soon as she felt it, she said she was making an urgent referral to St James's breast clinic. She said I should get an appointment within two weeks. I'm not usually one to worry, but I knew myself from when I felt the lump that it was bad news. It's a small hard painless lump, deep down, and it seems to be growing and changing very quickly. I'm just wondering if anyone knows is the appointment usually within 2 weeks? Or should I consider going private? And what can I expect at the clinic? Thanks very much, appreciate any advice.
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posted by LJH
11 May 2021


Last reply: 11 May 2021 12:39
Hi, My beautiful wife, my friend, my love, the strongest person mentally and physically I have ever met was diagnosed with cervical cancer in March. Im caring for her, sorting out her meds and taking her to all her appointments and yet its feels like im not doing enough, I know she feels helpless as she is usually the person that takes care of everyone else and is constantly looking for stuff to do like she used to before she became sick. The being a patient is getting to her but she will get past it. I cant sleep properly because im worried she will wake up in pain and i wont be at hand to help comfort and ease her. It is really hard listening to the person you love groan in agony in their sleep and know there is nothing you can do to help. Im hoping and praying all day everyday that the treatment works and she beats this horrible disease for good. I just wanted to share a little bit of our story and tell everyone to stay strong and there is a world of love and support out there for anyone who needs it ❤
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posted by katara
05 May 2021

Switching to private

Last reply: 10 May 2021 16:40
I have a number of worrying symptoms, I have ongoing pain, as well as a mass in my abdomen confirmed by 5 GPS. I was sent to a and e twice by go requesting scans. Both times I was refused as bloods were normal so they decided I am fine. Did no checks, did not even feel for mass. That was a month ago, now I am still waiting for a colonoscopy, the gp said with how the public is atm it will be at least 4 more weeks. So I am requesting a private test. The go wants to know where I want to go. I can't afford it, am a medical card patient. A family has offered to pay. I am wondering where to go? Has anyone had experiences with the various private hospitals. Are they generally the same wait time/price or do they vary? Please share your experiences and recommendations. How much they cost, how long you waited etc. Thankyou
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