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posted by katykaty
22 April 2013

Hair loss

Last reply: 24 April 2013 23:02
[quote][/quote]Going to be starting chemo in the next couple of weeks ,and just wondering about the best way to deal with the hair loss .Not worried about it myself but would like to prepare my two boys , would it be better to cut really short ,shave it or just leave it and let it fall out itself , it's cut shortish at the moment.Also has any one not gone the wig route ?any suggestions for alternative ways ?
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posted by Neadi
26 April 2013

Last chemo

Last reply: 28 April 2013 16:00
Number 6 done and dusted!!!!!! Yippee!!!! It feels as if you're never going to get there, but it does! Just so relieved! Tamoxifen in 4 weeks time along with Rads so no doubt plenty more questions to be asked...... Thank you all for the support and encouragement Xxxx
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posted by franny
27 April 2013

teeage daughter

Last reply: 28 April 2013 22:14
Hi all just found group.I am desperate for help and advice. My daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin s Lymphoma in January past. Chemo is finished but we were given a blank sheet of paper leaving the hospital.We were not told what to expect when er came home.How our daughter would feel.My husband works and I took leave to take care of my daughter.Problem is she is extremely tired,but is unable to sleep.Stays in her room in bed till 4 pm in darkness.When I go in to see if she is ok I am ordered to leave .It is breaking my heart. My husband does not see this as by the time he gets home from work she is up and is in great form laughing and joking with him.When I try to explain how her day has gone he just looks at me as if I am mad.his way of thinking is the cancer is gone so lets just forget about it.Case dismissed.My daughter would literally take the head off me at every opportunity she gets.Please somebody tell me how to cope. I had my first counselling meeting last week.Any parents out there with advice on how to deal with the situation I would be most grateful.Thank you in advance. Franny
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posted by wilmaone
28 April 2013

bruising for no reason

Last reply: 30 April 2013 16:32
Hi all Just wondering I have started waking up with bruises that I know were not there before.I haven't hit myself or bumped and they are not sore,just a brownish colour and a new one yesterday looked like a normal bruise and today I woke up and its bigger and a horrible pink/purple colour.Definitely not the hubby in his sleep!!!!! I am also tired all the time.Anyone else have anything like this? I'm in with oncologist tomorrow for routine check up but don't want to be a fuss pot if its normal. Thanks Xx
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posted by franny
30 April 2013

teen in denial

Last reply: 01 May 2013 21:43
Hi Franny here again My husband and I had my daughter who has had chemo and is now finished at the hospital to see the cancer nurse .My doctor has advised her to see a counsellor or psychologist just to talk to and try and help her come to terms with everythingthat has happened to her since January 2nd .I honestly thought that my daughter was going to take the bite and avail of these services,but as soon as she left the hospital, she said that the nurse had lost the run of herself even suggesting that ,she partake in anything,As Barretstown or Canteenis for sick kids only and that she has seen enough of sickness to last her a lifetime.My worry is if she does not get professional help will she hit a wall in a year or so. If so.If she was to I would never be able to forgive myself. Her only reply is that she wants to forget about the whole episode and get on with her life.I now she is just putting on a front,she would win an oscar.She is still in bed till 4pm curtains drawn and lights off.I am not a professional but christ that cannot be.Does she need help to deal with this,.or is it all in my mind. Many thanks Franny
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posted by katykaty
30 April 2013

starting tomorrow

Last reply: 04 May 2013 20:49
Was due to start my chemo on 24 of may , but got phone call today to say starting tomorrow! Bit of a shock but I suppose I don't have time to think about it..Was a bit of s rush trying to get meds together ,still no word on medical card so had to try and scrape money together for those . Would gladly go back and do my weeks work ,than face the iendless form filling and phone calls and every time you hit a brick wall. At the end of it all get nothing and told to make sure I put in my cert as it would affect my pension !! Rant over . Hopefully at the end of this I might be broke but at least I'll be better!
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posted by anriocht
02 May 2013

Damaged nails and chemotherapy

Last reply: 03 May 2013 13:43
Just wondering if have of you wonderful ladies suffered with damaged nails as a result of chemo and if so, did it take long for them to recover? Mine first started to get damaged after chemo No. 4 (of and have gotten a lot worse since. I finished chemo two weeks ago and it seems my nail growth is somewhat stunted too. My consultant and the oncology nurses say that the nails will just grow out, but there seems to be no improvement at all. I am finding it very difficult to do anything and find it most painful when I am trying to do my daughters' hair. Any information or tips from you girls would be most appreciated. On the plus side, I have noticed some fluff on my head (just two weeks post chemo) so that is a positive at least. Many thanks
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posted by WicklowLady
03 May 2013

Radiotherapy finished. Another milestone

Last reply: 06 May 2013 12:29
Finished my last radiotherapy this morning and I have to say with a little sadness in my heart. It's become part of my life for over six weeks so I will have to get used to no hospitals for three weeks, God what will I do?? Hope I don't have to resort to doing housework perish the though lol. I'm here sitting in oncology having got my herceptin but my blood pressure is still high and I've been on medication for the past two weeks. I'm waiting to see someone about it. Going out for a slap up meal and plenty of wine tonight to celebrate . Thanks to you all for your fantastic support its got me through all this so well. Love you all xxxx
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posted by northernstar
03 May 2013

Before / During & After Radiotherapy

Last reply: 08 May 2013 18:25
Any tips / advice? I am currently recovering from surgery but will be having radiotherphy on my tongue in a few weeks. Thanks
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posted by deefed
04 May 2013

Got the ALL CLEAR after mascteomy

Last reply: 06 May 2013 12:18
Hi Ladies feel terrible havent been on here in ages. Just an update had my mascteomy last week and now that part is over, Chemo (check), Mascteomy (check) now onto rads in a few weeks. Got pathology report yesterday with excellent results as far as medical science can see he said I am cancer free. Only 1 out of 19 nodes affected. Feeling delighted with myself but still a little sore body and mind. Just wanted to let you know that through all the crap there was light at the end of the tunnel. For all those starting off best of luck, keep the chins up and dont let this bastard beat us!!!
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