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posted by stranded_aoife
26 January 2011

(APML) Acute Promyelocytic Mylogenous Leukaemia

Last reply: 31 March 2011 18:15
Hi, my name is Aoife and I was diagnosed with APML on August 15th 2010. It's a pretty rare form of leukaemia (a subset of AML) so if anyone has any questions I can answer or help with just let me know. I've been through 4 doses of chemo on Burkitt's Ward in St. James' and am about to move into the maintenance programme as an out patient. I was on the Spanish Protocol, a new version of which (LPA2005) was published in June of last year. I'm 32, irish and I've tolerated things well so far, thankfully, and have been in molecular remission since the first (induction) round. anyway, I know only a handful of folk get this each year so first hand info can be thin on the ground (I certainly found it to be) so if you, or a relative/friend have been diagnosed and you have queries or want to share experiences I reckon this might be a good place to do it. I've written a couple of blogs about my experience too, which you can read [url=]here>[/url:1h5d65ah]
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posted by Trish
26 January 2011

How long should there be from surgery to chemo start

Last reply: 01 February 2011 21:22
Hi I was diagnosed in November with stage II invasice ductal carcinoma, Her2 positive. I had a lumpectomy at the begining of December and removal of 3 lymph nodes. I am node negative. I am fully recovered and my question is how long is it normally from surgery to start of Chemo ? The waiting is driving me nuts.
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posted by HollyH
31 January 2011

Onco-type DX test

Last reply: 02 February 2011 17:00
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has had this test done? I know it's quite new in Ireland and I'd love to get some information about it before I commit - it's really expensive and I'm just afraid that I'll be wasting my money. Some advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks x I probably should have included that it's a genome test that takes a sample of your tumour after surgery and examines how well your cancer will respond to chemo, i have a grade 3 node negative estrogen receptive breast cancer. I've just turned 33 and am very worried that my chemo treatment will leave me infertile. My oncologist says there's a 20% chance of this happening balanced against a 5% chance of the cancer not recurring if I opt to have the chemo. I'm just concerned that for me personally the risks involved don't outweigh the benefits of chemo, but maybe I'm being naive about things. My greatest fear is the issue of infertility afterwards, a one in five chance of this happening really terrifies me in addition to the whole process of chemo itself. If anyone had any information re: fertility post-chemo I would greatly appreciate them sharing it with me as I'm weary of looking up websites and books and getting completely overloaded with so much information that my head is fried. I'd love to get some insight from someone who has been there and can possibly relate. thanking you in advance, H
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posted by mondaymillion1
01 February 2011

Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Last reply: 07 February 2011 20:10
Hi, has anyone experience of this type of cancer? My Mother is 85 and diagnosed 4 months ago. She has had repeated infections and one round of chemo(14 days) with very bad re-action. Docs have now stopped steroids (40mg a day) .She is sleeping about 20 hours a day and still they say she is doing well.No plans for further chemo. We are deeply worried but feel we are not getting enough info. Before this she was 100% brain perfect but now quite confused.Can anyone offer any info?
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posted by LindyLu
01 February 2011

To lift or not to lift the good boob??

Last reply: 02 February 2011 16:32
Hi Ladies For those of you who had a unilateral mastectomy with immediate or delayed reconstruction, did you opt to do anything with your 'good' side??? I had lat dorsi reconstruction last August. Surgery went well and I am all recovered. Am thrilled with the results and so glad I got it done . While the results are really quite good, new foob sits a little higher than my own boob. Volume is pretty much the same (am a 34D cup). In a bra you would never notice the difference however when I am in my birthday suit it is quite noticeable. I was with Mr Plastics (aka Brian Kneafsey) in Beaumont in Nov and we spoke about nipple reconstruction however he sent me away to think about whether I wanted a little lift on the other side. I was back a Beaumont this afternoon and met with one of Mr Plastic's colleagues to tell them I wanted to leave well enough alone on the good side, that I had had enough surgeries however the Doc (a lady) was trying to convince me to get a lift done to achieve better symmetry. So I am all confused now and am hoping some of ye who had these dilemmas and / or surgeries can share with me how you might have made your decisions. Thanks in advance LindyLu
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posted by FH2
02 February 2011

Surgery Tuesday 8th Feb

Last reply: 14 February 2011 22:02
Hi, I have had a lot of problems with infection in my right breast since my double mastectomy in September. At my visit last week to my surgeon, I told him I have finally had enough of constant antibiotics and we decided to remove the tissue expander that has come out of 'the pocket' and dropped low on my chest and slightly under my armpit. I got a call earlier today from his secretary to say I have to be in the Mater Private next Mon afternoon for surgery next Tues am. If the breast looks free of infection, he will try to create or repair the pocket and insert a new expander. If its not, he will just remove the existing one and we will look at my options when things heal up a bit. To be honest, I am freaking out a bit now. We had pencilled in next week but I thought my surgery would be in the public hospital so I thought bed availability would be an issue and it might not go ahead. Now its suddenly all go and very real! Also, I had a scary experience in the private hospital last year involving a reaction to morphine so I'm a bit nervous about returning there. Has anyone any advice on how to calm down? And also what pain relief options there are to morphine? Has anyone ever had the spinal block and how did you find it? Were you unable to walk and stuck in bed with it? For how long? Deep breaths, deep breaths. Flo.
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posted by encee
07 February 2011

Has anyone had immediate breast reconstruction?

Last reply: 15 February 2011 20:55
Hi there. The option of having an immediate breast reconstruction was put to me last week when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the course of my few days since, I have heard of loads of women who have had delayed reconstruction but I haven't come across anyone who had immediate reconstruction. Is there anyone out there reading this that either had immediate reconstruction or knows of someone who had it?
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posted by lucky star
13 February 2011

Need reconstruction advice

Last reply: 21 July 2011 18:34
Hi, Had mastectomy to left breast in May 2009. Now feeling ready to go for recon surgery. Had seen Caitriona Lawlor before my surgery and decided not to have same time mastectomy and reconstruction. I had hoped to have my recon done this summer, suits better in terms of recovery, my kids, work etc. But ..... just my luck Dr. Lawlor will be on maternity. Has anyone out there used any other surgeons, in Vincent's or Blackrock Clinic...or Beacon? Caitriona is happy to refer me to someone else if I can't wait till she gets back. I had my heart set on this summer.....would appreciate any advice or recommendations. Oh and my main option is LD flap ... or the Diep thing, but expanders no good for me after radiotherapy. Thanks, Lucky star
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posted by Deema
15 February 2011

Hair Colour

Last reply: 24 February 2011 14:11
Hi Everyone Just wondering if anyone has any advice on colouring hair after chemo I am finished about 4 months now and hair is there even if it is very short and very grey !!!! Thanks Deema
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posted by Avril
15 February 2011

Calling all those with implants!!

Last reply: 28 February 2011 18:47
Hi girls, Greetings from the west of Ireland! I had chemotherapy followed a lumpectomy[with nodes removed] two weeks ago. Then was told I need to have a mastectomy. Now have to think of reconstruction. Surgeon seemed VERY much in favour of going down the LD reconstruction route rather than the implant route and said that,although painful initially, longterm the results are better with LD. I have little fat on my back[plenty everywher else!!] so would probably need an implant too even if I go down the LD road. This has made me want to know more about just having the implants and leaving my back well enough alone!I am a coward. I would love to hear from gals who had implants but not LD. I need to have radiotherapy also.Do implants survive radiotherapy? and look o.k. afterwards? I just do not know what to do.Am totally confused! Diag. Sept.2010 Aged 45 Invasive lobular cancer.ER+ Chemo -ACT Lumpectomy,2 nodes Positive Tumour 4.6cm. Tamoxifen Jan.2011 Advised to have mastectomy Feb.2011
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